You can use the following options with a wait icon.
Show Countdown displays a small alarm clock that shows time running out for the time limit you specify in the Time Limit field.
You can move the clock while running the piece without pausing--just drag it to a new location. Double-click the clock to display the Wait Icon Properties dialog box.
Show Button displays a button the user must click to continue. The default label is Continue. Select Modify > File > Properties to assign another label to the wait button using the File Properties dialog box.
When you place a new wait icon on the flowline, its button (if you select to show it) automatically appears where you last positioned a button.
You can reposition a wait button while running a piece. Select Pause from the Control menu to pause the piece temporarily, and drag the wait button to a new location. Positioning buttons while running the piece makes it easy to standardize the placement of wait buttons throughout the file.
You can use the following options with a wait icon.
Show Countdown displays a small alarm clock that shows time running out for the time limit you specify in the Time Limit field.
You can move the clock while running the piece without pausing--just drag it to a new location. Double-click the clock to display the Wait Icon Properties dialog box.
Show Button displays a button the user must click to continue. The default label is Continue. Select Modify > File > Properties to assign another label to the wait button using the File Properties dialog box.
When you place a new wait icon on the flowline, its button (if you select to show it) automatically appears where you last positioned a button.
You can reposition a wait button while running a piece. Select Pause from the Control menu to pause the piece temporarily, and drag the wait button to a new location. Positioning buttons while running the piece makes it easy to standardize the placement of wait buttons throughout the file.
Sådan grupperes knapper på proceslinjen efter program
Højreklik på proceslinjen, og klik derefter på Egenskaber.
Marker afkrydsningsfeltet Grupper beslægtede knapper på proceslinjen under fanen Proceslinje, og klik derefter på Anvend.
Når du åbner mere end ét dokument i det samme program og derefter minimerer hvert dokument, så det vises som en knap på proceslinjen, samles alle knapperne for programmet i en fælles gruppe på proceslinjen.
Knappen indeholder både navnet på dokumentet og det program, hvor det er oprettet.
Hvis navnet på dokumentet er for langt til knappen, udtoner Windows de sidste bogstaver i højre side af knappen som tegn på, at der er mere tekst. Peg på knappen for at se navnet på dokumentet og det program, hvor det er oprettet.
VH Palle Hansen