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Fra : noltus55
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Dato : 21-12-06 09:24

Jeg kører et vbs script til at oploade data til en hjemmeside,mit problem er at hver gang scriptet kører popper den xml fil den laver op(lokalt) hvad kan jeg gøre ved det
'Based on vbsFTP.vbs - FTP upload tool using DOS FTP (DOS window suppressed).

Option Explicit : Dim strDirectory, strFile, FTPaddr, UserName, Password,

ShowSuccess, doFTP, RelPath, Ftpextra, useBBox

strDirectory = "C:\"
strFile = "data.xml"
' Suppress Popup if upload succeeded (True or False, no quotes):
ShowSuccess = True
' Do you want to FTP the file to a website? (True or False, no quotes):
doFTP = True
' Do you want to restrict the output to the screen lat/long?
useBBox = False

' You only need to set these values if you have doFTP = True
' FTP address for your web site, eg "ftp.myISP.com"
FTPaddr = "xxxxx"
' FTP username for your site:
UserName = "xxxxx"
' FTP password for your site:
Password = "xxxxx"
' subdirectory on FTP site to put data.xml file
RelPath = ""
' Extra command to send to ftp server, eg "passive"
Ftpextra = ""


Dim Title, fso, f, ck, ws, InFile, ftp, OutFile
Dim arOutLines, IconType, MsgTimer, Sent, errFTP

If doFTP Then
Title = "vbShip"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
InFile = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\" & fso.GetTempName
Set ftp = fso.OpenTextFile(InFile, 2, True)
OutFile = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\" & fso.GetTempName
arOutlines = Array()
End If



Function tidy(sData)
Dim l, s, pos, valid, out
' We dont want to allow <>'"!
valid =


out = ""
for l = 1 To Len(sData)
s = Mid(sData, l, 1)
pos = InStr(valid, s)
If pos = 0 Then
s = " "
End If
out = out & s
tidy = Trim(out)
End Function

Function myround(f, dp)
Dim out
out = Round(f, dp)
myround = Replace(out, ",", ".", 1, 1)
End Function


Sub writexml()
' Option Explicit
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objTextFile, objFile

' Create the File System Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Check that the strDirectory folder exists
If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
End If

If objFSO.FileExists(strDirectory & strFile) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory & strFile)
Wscript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory & strFile
End If

set objFile = nothing
set objFolder = nothing
' OpenTextFile Method needs a Const value
' ForAppending = 8 ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strDirectory & strFile, 2, True)

Dim i, shipinfo, MyObject, ais, xml
Dim mmsi, lat, lon, name, aistype, imo, callsign, dest, eta, speed, course,

status, length, width, draft, mtime
Dim deltax, deltay, scale, angle
Dim maxlat, minlat, maxlon, minlon, doShip

Set MyObject = GetObject(,"ShipPlotter.Document")
maxlat = MyObject.GetMaxLat()
minlat = MyObject.GetMinLat()
maxlon = MyObject.GetMaxLon()
minlon = MyObject.GetMinLon()

objTextFile.WriteLine "<markers>"
i = 0
while i < MyObject.GetShipCount()
' GetShipData(long mmsi, short datafield) - VARIANT - get a data

parameter for the ship with the given MMSI number. The type of the returned

value depends on the value of the datafield argument. Permitted values for

the datafield argument are :

'0 name (BSTR)
'1 latitude (double)
'2 longitude (double)
'3 course (float)
'4 speed (float)
'5 heading (float)
'6 rot (dummy) (float)
'7 status (uchar)
'8 accuracy (dummy)(uchar)
'9 type (uchar)
'10 draught (float)
'11 length (short)
'12 destination (BSTR)
'13 call sign (BSTR)
'14 IMO number (ulong)
'15 ETA (BSTR)
'16 beam (short)
'17 length for’ard of the GPS mast (short)
'18 width to port of the GPS mast (short)
'19 date and time of last report (BSTR)

mmsi = MyObject.GetShipMMSI(i)

lat = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 1)
lon = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 2)
doShip = True
If useBBox And (lon < minlon Or lon > maxlon Or _
lat < minlat Or lat > maxlat) Then
doShip = False
End if
lat = myround(lat, 3)
lon = myround(lon, 3)
name = tidy(MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 0))
aistype = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 9)
imo = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 14)
callsign = tidy(MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 13))
dest = tidy(MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 12))
eta = tidy(MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 15))
speed = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 4)
course = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 3)
status = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 7)
length = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 11)
width = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 16)
draft = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 10)
mtime = MyObject.GetShipData(mmsi, 19)
ais = mmsi & "!" _
   & imo & "!" _
   & callsign & "!" _
   & dest & "!" _
   & eta & "!" _
   & speed & "!" _
   & course & "!" _
   & status & "!" _
   & length & "!" _
   & width & "!" _
   & draft & "!" _
   & mtime
If speed > 0.1 And speed < 80 Then
   scale = 3 * speed / 1.9438445 / 1000 ' knots -> m/s
   angle = course / 180 * 3.14159
   deltax = myround(scale * Sin(angle), 3)
   deltay = myround(scale * Cos(angle), 3)
   deltax = 0
   deltay = 0
End if

xml = "<marker lat='" & lat & "' lon='" & lon & _
   "' name='" & name & "' dx='" & deltax & "' dy='" & deltay _
   & "' type='" & aistype & "' ais='" & ais & "'/>"
If doShip Then
objTextFile.WriteLine xml
End If
i = i + 1
objTextFile.WriteLine "</markers>"


' Bonus or cosmetic section to launch explorer to check file
If err.number = vbEmpty then
If ShowSuccess Then
Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.run ("Explorer" &" " & strDirectory & strFile )
End If
WScript.echo "VBScript Error: " & err.number
End If
End Sub

Sub FTPfile()
WriteScript() 'Write the FTP script

'Upload the file
ws.Run "%comspec% /c ftp -i -s:" & InFile & " >" & OutFile, 0, True

GetResults() ' Results of transfer

' Report failure or success
If ShowSuccess Then
ws.Popup Join(arOutLines, vbcrlf), MsgTimer, Title, IconType
If errFTP Then
ws.Popup Join(arOutLines, vbcrlf), MsgTimer, Title, IconType
End If
End If

Cleanup() 'Release objects and exit
End Sub

Sub WriteScript()
Dim i, Trans
With ftp
.WriteLine "open " & FTPaddr
.WriteLine UserName
.WriteLine Password
.WriteLine "bell"
If RelPath <> "" Then .WriteLine "cd " & chr(34) & RelPath & chr(34)
.WriteLine "ascii"
If Ftpextra <> "" Then .WriteLine Ftpextra
.WriteLine "put " & chr(34) & strDirectory & strFile & chr(34)
.WriteLine "close"
.WriteLine "bye"
End With
End Sub

Sub GetResults()
Dim i, OutPut, ThisLine
errFTP = False
IconType = 64
MsgTimer = 3
ReDim Preserve arOutLines(0)
arOutLines(0) = Title & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "ERROR DURING UPLOAD: " & vbcrlf
i = 0
Set OutPut = fso.OpenTextFile(OutFile, 1)
Do While Not OutPut.AtEndOfStream
ThisLine = OutPut.ReadLine
'FTP error codes are 4xx or 5xx
If CStr(Left(ThisLine, 1)) = CStr(4) Or CStr(Left(ThisLine, 1)) = CStr(5)

i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve arOutLines(i)
arOutLines(i) = ThisLine
errFTP = True
IconType = 48 + 4096
MsgTimer = 0
End If
If errFTP Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve arOutLines(i)
arOutLines(i) = "File(s) not uploaded:" & vbcrlf
ReDim Preserve arOutLines(0)
arOutLines(0) = Title & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"File(s) uploaded successfully:" & vbcrlf
End If
End Sub

Sub Cleanup()
On Error Resume Next
fso.DeleteFile InFile, True
fso.DeleteFile OutFile, True
Set fso = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
Set ftp = Nothing
Erase arOutlines
End Sub

Fra : noltus55

Dato : 21-12-06 09:27

Har prøvet at sætte "Suppress Popup if upload succeeded (True or False, no quotes):
ShowSuccess = True " til false,men så bliver ingenting sendt

Annuller spørgsmålet
Fra : noltus55

Dato : 08-03-07 13:48

Jeg har desværre ikke modtaget et gyldigt svar, og annullerer derfor dette spørgsmål

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