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Freya og 9/11
Fra : pipzi
Vist : 340 gange
150 point
Dato : 11-06-05 12:59

Er her mon en der lige kort kan hjælpe mig med en sang, evt to...

Ved terrorangrebet på WTC var der bagefter en sang der blev spillet rigtig meget i radioen, jeg mener at huske det var Freya der sang denne, en rimelig stille sang i det.

Er der mon en der har denne liggende på computeren, så vil jeg meget gerne, om jeg måske kunne få den, evt over msn...

Den anden sang, er en tysk sang, så vidt jeg husker.

Det har også været i 2001/2002, jeg husker desværre hverken sanger eller tekst, men jeg husker at den var sunget på engelsk, på et tidspunkt i sangen er der sådan nogle facts der bliver læst højt, jeg mener at huske det er på tysk de bliver læst, blandt andet noget med hvor mange børn der bliver seksuelt misbrugte osv.

Hvis der er en der kan hjælpe med de to sange, så vil jeg blive rigtig glad.

Håber nogen kan hjælpe !

Fra : Backtee

Dato : 11-06-05 13:20

Nu ved jeg ikke hvilke sange der er tale om, men har du overvejet muligheden for at der er tale om nogle sange der er lavet for at støtte et formål?

Hvis det er tilfældet kan du jo overveje om det udover det ulovlige er moralsk ok at forsøge at tiltuske sig sangene gratis

Fra : erling_l

Dato : 11-06-05 14:32

Omkring den første, er der ikke så mange ledespor, så det er ikke let at vælge mellem de mange.

nummer 2 er formentning "this is who we are", som et langt stykke hen af vejen er en stor oplæsning af kuriøsiteter og statistik. Bla. "Did you know that the first burglar alarm was invented by a Dane - unfortunately it got stolen"

Fra : erling_l

Dato : 11-06-05 14:33

I øvrigt fra Lazy Boy


This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
the bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
These are the facts of the life that we live
This is who we are
Bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is who we are, are, are, are, are...
so help me god

Did you know, that 1 out of 4 Americans has appeared on tv?
Did you know, 61% of all hits on the internet are on sex-sites?
Every day 21 newborn babies will be given to the wrong parents
The average person swallows 8 spiders in a year
Cannabis is the most widely abused drug in the world
The average person laughs 13 times a day
Elvis was originally blonde
The average age of first intercourse is 15.3 years old
The average erect penis is 5.2" long - and 4.2" circumcised
Eskimoes use refrigerators to keep food from freezing
41% of all people take people with curly hair less seriously
20% of all females have had at least 1 homosexual experience
Did you know that there is no such thing as an anti-wrinkle-cream?

This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
- the bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
These are the facts of the life that we live
This is who we are
Bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is who we are, are, are, are, are...

22% of the time, a pizza will arrive faster than an ambulance in Great Britian
96% of all women have at one time in their life faked an orgasm
3 people die every year, testing if a 9 volt battery works on their tongue
The 'Guiness Book Of Records' holds the record
for being the most stolen book in the public libraries
Butterflies taste with their feet
5% of the population is gay
The worlds best known word is 'okay',
the second most well-known word is 'Coca-Cola'
The giraffe can clean its ears with its tongue
Charles Chaplin once won 3rd place in a
'Charles Chaplin look-a-like contest'
In 1995 a japanese trawler sank because a
Russian cargo plane dropped a living cow from 30,000 feet
Only one book has been printed in more copies than the bible:
the IKEA-catalogue

This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
- the bare facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
These are the facts of the life that we live
This is who we are
The facts of the life we live
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is who we are...

1 cigarette takes away five minutes of a person's life
In 1950 we were 3 billion people on the earth.
today we are 6 billion people.
(time is ticking, ticking, yeah...)
'Donald Duck' was banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants
74% of all nudist-females are nudists, because their husbands are nudists
More people die from a champagne cork popping than from poison spiders
21% of all traffic accidents happen because the driver falls asleep
Did you know that originally a Danish guy invented the burglar alarm.
unfortunately it got stolen.

This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
This is who we are, this is what we do, this is what it is
Yeah, yeah...
This is who we are
Bare facts of the live we live
This is who we are, this is what we do
This is who we are, this is what we do

so help me God

Fra : pipzi

Dato : 11-06-05 14:40

Nej, det er ikke lazyboy, det er jeg helt hundrede på, fordi den sang er forholdsvis ny... den anden er tilbage fra 2001/2002 og med tyske facts til sidst !!!

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