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Java Scripts
molokyle 5410
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Hvilket script
Fra : pepsimax
Vist : 638 gange
100 point
Dato : 04-10-07 15:47


på denne side http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=181

er der i midten et script som kan styre en fodbold kanmp i tal




Fra : molokyle

Dato : 04-10-07 19:24

Javascripts på siden som følger:

1.) Menu styling:
<script language='javascript'>
function cdd_menu258248(){

this.uid = 258248

this.rel_icon_image0 = 'images/button.gif'
this.rel_icon_rollover0 = 'images/button.gif'
this.menu_background_color = '#'
this.menu_border_color = '#650000'
this.menu_border_width = '3'
this.menu_border_style = 'solid'
this.menu_padding = '0,0,0,0'
this.divider_caps = false
this.divider_width = 1
this.divider_height = 1
this.divider_background_color = '000'
this.divider_border_style = 'none'
this.divider_border_width = 0
this.divider_border_color = '#000000'
this.menu_is_horizontal = false
this.menu_width = '127'
this.menu_xy = '-100,-2'
this.menu_scroll_direction = 1
this.menu_scroll_reverse_on_hide = true
this.menu_scroll_delay = 0
this.menu_scroll_step = 5
this.icon_rel = 0

this.menu_items_background_image = 'http://www.striwerne.com/themes/Peaches/images/menu.gif'
this.menu_items_background_image_roll = ''

this.menu_items_background_color_roll = '#102039'
this.menu_items_text_color = '#fff'
this.menu_items_text_color_roll = '#fff'
this.menu_items_text_decoration = 'none'
this.menu_items_font_family = 'arial'
this.menu_items_font_size = '10px'
this.menu_items_font_style = 'normal'
this.menu_items_font_weight = 'normal'
this.menu_items_text_align = 'left'
this.menu_items_padding = '2,2,2,2'
this.menu_items_border_color = '#990000'
this.menu_items_border_width = '0'
this.menu_items_border_style = 'solid'
this.menu_items_width = '127'

this.menu_is_horizontal_main = true

this.item0 = 'Main'
this.item0_0 = 'Forside'
this.url0_0 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/news.php'
this.item0_1 = 'Nyhedsarkiv'
this.url0_1 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/nyhedsarkiv.php'
this.item0_2 = 'Live opdateringer'
this.url0_2 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=181'
this.item0_3 = 'HotSpot'
this.url0_3 = 'http://striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=212'
this.item1 = 'Holdet'
this.item1_0 = 'Spillerne'
this.url1_0 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=191'
this.item1_1 = 'Trænerteamet'
this.url1_1 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=21'
this.item1_2 = 'Skader & karantæner'
this.url1_2 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=14'
this.item1_3 = 'Spillerhandler'
this.url1_3 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=87'
this.item2 = 'Turneringer'
this.item2_0 = 'SAS Ligaen'
this.url2_0 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=190'
this.item2_1 = 'Kampprogram'
this.url2_1 = 'http://striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=131'
this.item2_2 = 'Landspokalen'
this.url2_2 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=83'
this.item2_3 = 'UEFA Cup'
this.url2_3 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=84'
this.item2_4 = 'Royal League'
this.url2_4 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=82'
this.item3 = 'Multimedia'
this.item3_0 = 'Karakter'
this.url3_0 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=200'
this.item3_1 = 'OB-nyheder på MSN'
this.url3_1 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=174'
this.item3_2 = 'Mobil lir'
this.url3_2 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=126'
this.item3_3 = 'Mobil & Rss nyheder'
this.url3_3 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=161'
this.item3_4 = 'Wallpapers'
this.url3_4 = 'http://striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=180'
this.item4 = 'Debat'
this.item4_0 = 'Chatten'
this.url4_0 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=159'
this.item5 = 'Striwerne TV'
this.item5_0 = 'Striwerne TV'
this.url5_0 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=164'
this.item6 = 'Siden'
this.item6_0 = 'Om siden'
this.url6_0 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=88'
this.item6_1 = 'Kontakt'
this.url6_1 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/contact.php'
this.item6_2 = 'Partnere'
this.url6_2 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=127'
this.item6_3 = 'Redaktionen'
this.url6_3 = 'http://www.striwerne.com/viewpage.php?page_id=129'

2.) Dokument layout og 'browsersniffing':
//Document Level Settings

cdd__activate_onclick = false
cdd__showhide_delay = 100
cdd__url_target = "_self"
cdd__url_features = "resizable=1, scrollbars=1, titlebar=1, menubar=1, toolbar=1, location=1, status=1, directories=1, channelmode=0, fullscreen=0"
cdd__display_urls_in_status_bar = true
cdd__default_cursor = "hand"

//NavStudio Code (Warning: Do Not Alter!)

if (window.showHelp){b_type = "ie"; if (!window.attachEvent) b_type += "mac";}if (document.createElementNS) b_type = "dom";if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("afari")>-1) b_type = "safari";if (window.opera) b_type = "opera"; qmap1 = "\<\script language=\"JavaScript\" vqptag='loader_sub' src=\""; qmap2 = ".js\">\<\/script\>";;function iesf(){};;function vqp_error(val){alert(val)}
if (b_type){document.write(qmap1+cdd__codebase+"pbrowser_"+b_type+qmap2);document.close();}

3.) ..et javascript kald til menuen :
<script vqptag='placement' vqp_menuid='258248' language='JavaScript'>create_menu(258248)</script>

..alle andre scripts er fra Google Ads , Chart.dk , ..lidt klister kode:
<script language="Javascript">
function SetBoxText($show) {
var X = document.getElementById("box_text");
var Y = document.getElementById("layer_" + $show);

X.innerHTML = Y.innerHTML;

$hide = "welcome";
if ($show == "welcome") $hide = "license";
with (document.getElementById("button_" + $hide).style) {
backgroundImage = "url(themes/afk/images/titlebg.gif)";
color = "#FFFFFF";
$hide = "license";
if ($show == "license") $hide = "version";
with (document.getElementById("button_" + $hide).style) {
backgroundImage = "url(themes/afk/images/titlebg.gif)";
color = "#FFFFFF";
$hide = "version";
if ($show == "version") $hide = "welcome";
with (document.getElementById("button_" + $hide).style) {
backgroundImage = "url(themes/afk/images/titlebg.gif)";
color = "#FFFFFF";
$hide = "billeder";
if ($show == "billeder") $hide = "welcome";
with (document.getElementById("button_" + $hide).style) {
backgroundImage = "url(themes/afk/images/titlebg.gif)";
color = "#FFFFFF";

with (document.getElementById("button_" + $show).style) {
    backgroundImage = "url(themes/afk/images/titlebg3.gif)";
color = "#FFFFFF";
return true;

..som kaldes med:
<script language="Javascript"> SetBoxText('welcome');</script>

..og mere browsersniffing; udmaskning af mouse events, Flash mm.
var ns4 = document.layers;
var ns6 = document.getElementById && !document.all;
var ie4 = document.all;
offsetX = -5;
offsetY = 20;
var toolTipSTYLE = "";

function initToolTips()
   if (ns4 || ns6 || ie4 || ie55)
      if (ns4)
         toolTipSTYLE = document.toolTipLayer;
      else if (ns6)
         toolTipSTYLE = document.getElementById("toolTipLayer").style;
      else if (ie4 || ie55)
         toolTipSTYLE = document.all.toolTipLayer.style;
      if (ns4)
         toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "visible";
         toolTipSTYLE.display   = "none";

      document.onmousemove = moveToMouseLoc;

   //NaviHelperLeft = findPosX (document.getElementById('NavigationControl'));

function toolTipMove()
   if (toolTipMove.arguments.length < 1)
   document.onmousemove = "";
   document.onmousemove = moveToMouseLoc;

function toolTip (msg, width, bg)
   fg = "#000000";
   //bg = "#FFFFCC";

      if (!bg)
         bg = "#FFFFCC";
      if (bg == 0)
         bg = "#FFFFCC";
   if (toolTip.arguments.length < 1) // hide
      if (ns4)
         toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "hidden";
         toolTipSTYLE.display = "none";
   else // show
      /*if (!fg)
         fg = "#000000";

      if (!bg)
         bg = "#FFFFCC";
      if (!width)
         width = 170;
      if (width == 0)
         width = null;

      var content =
      '<table width="' + width + '" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="' + fg + '"><td>' +
      '<table width="' + width + '" height="30" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="' + bg +
      '"><td align="left"><span class="tooltip">' + msg +

      if (ns4)
         toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "visible";
    else if (ns6)
         document.getElementById("toolTipLayer").innerHTML = content;
         toolTipSTYLE.display = 'block';
      else if (ie4 || ie55)
         document.all("toolTipLayer").innerHTML = content;
         toolTipSTYLE.display = 'block';
         document.all("toolTipLayer").innerHTML = content;
         toolTipSTYLE.display = 'block';

function moveToMouseLoc(e)
   if (ns4 || ns6)
      x = e.pageX;

      if ((x + 220) > window.screen.availWidth)
         x = window.screen.availWidth - 210;

      y = e.pageY;
      x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;

      if ((x + 220) > window.screen.availWidth)
         x = window.screen.availWidth - 210;

      y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;

   toolTipSTYLE.left = x + offsetX;
   toolTipSTYLE.top = y + offsetY;

   // get left, top, width, height for active dropdown
   /*if (ActiveDropDown)
      var aleft = ActiveDropDown.offsetLeft;
      var awidth = aleft + ActiveDropDown.offsetWidth;

      if (ns4 || ns6)
         var atop = ActiveDropDown.offsetTop - 20; // 18
         var aheight = atop + ActiveDropDown.offsetHeight + 20;

         x = e.pageX;
         y = e.pageY;
         var atop = ActiveDropDown.offsetTop - 18; // 16
         var aheight = atop + ActiveDropDown.offsetHeight + 18;
         x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
         y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
      // Check if the mouse was moved outside the bound-area
      if (!(x >= aleft && x <= awidth && y >= atop && y <= aheight) && !(x >= NaviHelperLeft && x >= (aleft - 25) && x <= awidth && y >= atop && y <= (atop + 18)))
         ActiveDropDown.style.display = "none";

         // Get id for the main navi item
         id = ActiveDropDown.id.replace ("Div", "");

         // Set background, color
         if (document.getElementById(id).style.fontWeight == "normal" || document.getElementById(id).style.fontWeight == "")
            document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor = "#7B7B7B";
            document.getElementById(id).style.color          = "#CECECE";

         // Show form elements / flash
         if (DropDownExceptions != null)
            for (i = 0; i < DropDownExceptions.length; i++)
               document.getElementById(DropDownExceptions[i]).style.visibility = "visible";

   return true;

..og sådan fortsætter spagetti-koden side op og side ned

..men det er PHP koden som klare 'arbejdet' ..og dén ka' vi sgu ik' se

Husk: "Reverse engineering" koster en bondegård

Hvornår lærer folk AJAX?


Fra : pjakobsen

Dato : 04-10-07 22:00

De lærer det når de her kommer om sommeren

Fra : molokyle

Dato : 05-10-07 17:04

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