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DVD brænding
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Dato : 05-04-04 17:26

Hvordan brænder man en avi film over på en dvd med nero 6, så det bliver en svcd. i menu i programet kanman kan gøre det med en cd.

Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 05-04-04 17:40

Du skal først lave .avi filen om til en .mpeg fil. Nero kan kun lave Mpeg filer til SVCD format.

Det her står i neros brugervejledning.

Creating a Super VideoCD
You can make Super VideoCDs when the files are already in the MPEG-2 format or when other video formats are converted to it. For licensing reasons this plugin cannot be supplied with Nero. However you can purchase the MPEG-2/SVCD plugin on the Ahead Software AG website at www.nero.com.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to create a Super VideoCD using Nero: All settings may be left at their default values.

Insert an empty CD into the recorder.
Start a new compilation by clicking on the appropriate button or the File menu and the command New.
Click the 'Super Video CD' icon in the New Compilation dialog box which opens when Nero is started. If Nero is already running you can open this dialog box by selecting the 'New Compilation' icon on the toolbar.
The Super VideoCD tab offers a number of options which you can use to tailor the VideoCD to your specific requirements. The 'Create standard compliant CD' checkbox should be enabled to ensure that you make a Super VideoCD that can be played in a DVD player. You specify the color format to which the video files will be converted in the 'Encoding resolution' section: Pal or NTSC. If you want to be able to add pictures to the video, then they can be copied to a separate directory. In this case check the 'Store source pictures in' checkbox.
The 'Use CD-i application' checkbox is only intended for users with experience of CD-i applications.

On the Menu tab you can create a menu that appears when the Super VideoCD is inserted. Activate the checkbox and use the boxes to specify how the menu will look. If you click the Set as default button, the settings for menu entries will be saved and will be loaded automatically the next time a Super VideoCD is created.
On the ISO tab you can select the ISO level for the length of the names in the 'File-/Directorynames length' section. Up to 31 characters are permitted for Windows 95 and higher. Names cannot be more than 11 characters long for Windows 3.1 (8 for the name and 3 for the extension). ISO Level 2 will be best in most cases – if you know that the CD must also be run on a Windows 3.1 system then you should select Level 1.
On the Label tab you can give your CD a name and overtype the default name 'New'. You can use letters A-Z, digits 0-9 and the underscore character (_) – diacritics (accents) and spaces are not supported.
On the Dates tab you can specify the date of the compilation and of its files. The current date and time are entered for the compilation as default, also the creation date of the files.
Use the Misc tab to specify which files will be buffered in the cache. Files that are on slow media (floppy disks and network drives) and are very small are moved to the cache by default. You specify the location of the cache on the Cache tab in the File menu (Preferences option).
Once you have selected your settings, click the New button on the right. You will now see the empty compilation window for a Super VideoCD. The large window is for the videos and pictures, the small window for other filetypes. These may be text files or even a software player for your PC. If a File Browser is not open yet you can open one by selecting New File Browser from the View menu or clicking the appropriate 'File Browser' icon. To specify that Nero is started with an open File Browser, check 'Start with File Browser' in the 'General' section on the File Browser tab (File -> Preferences).
Compile the files for the CD using Drag&Drop editing by simply clicking on the required files in the File Browser and dragging them into the appropriate compilation window. Clicking the right mouse button opens a context menu where you can selectively add or omit certain file types. In addition there are a number of commands that you will also find in Windows Explorer, such as 'Copy', 'Open' and 'Cut'.


If an MPEG file does not have the correct characteristics of an SVCD, Nero detects the incorrect format and the user has three options: 'Ignore Compatibility', 'Re-Encode the File' or 'Cancel'.

Ignoring compatibility burns the file to the CD with no changes. This option is specifically aimed at experienced users.

Re-encoding decodes the existing file, converts it to the correct resolution and Framerate and encodes it again. (Re-encoding is done before burning. This process requires both time and temporary memory space.

Canceling interrupts the addition of the video file, i.e. it is not added to the compilation.

Important: If you do not drag an MPEG file into the video section, it will not be written as a video track and will need more space on the CD.

Double-clicking a video file opens the 'MPEG Information' dialog box.
'Properties' tab

This tab displays basic information about the selected video. You can also specify the length of the pause after the video. Click OK to confirm your choice and close the dialog box.

'Menu' tab

This tab is only available when you have enabled the checkbox on the Menu tab.

You can change the title of the video and extract a picture from the video for use as a thumbnail. Use the slider to view the video frame by frame. Click OK to confirm your choice and close the dialog box.

Note: If you have highlighted several video files, the 'Video Properties' dialog box will open. This box displays information about the videos you have highlighted. You can also specify the pause between the files. Click OK to confirm your choice and close the dialog box.

Click on the Write CD button or select the Write CD command from the File menu to open the write dialog box. This option is only available when the compilation window is selected, as can be seen from the fact that the title bar is blue. If the File Browser is selected (and the title bar of the compilation window is therefore grayed) the option is not available and CD writing cannot be started. In this case click anywhere in the compilation window.
In the 'Action' section activate the other check boxes you require in addition to the 'Write' check box. You will find more information about this section in 'The Burn tab'. You must remember that when you create a Super VideoCD you must activate the 'Finalize CD' checkbox. This setting write protects the CD and no further writing is possible.

All settings on this and the other tabs can now be reviewed and changed if required.

Click on the Burn button to start the burn process (or the simulation - depending on the chosen option). All the selected steps now run in sequence until writing is complete. You can monitor progress in a status window which shows the individual steps being logged as they are executed. A typical final message would be: 'Burn process was successful with 12x (1800 KB/s)'. The CD is then ejected. The messages shown can either be saved, printed or discarded. Close the window by clicking on the Discard or Close buttons.
You can now check what has been written to your new CD by inserting it again and clicking the 'CD Info' icon.

Håber det kan bruges..!


Fra : refi

Dato : 05-04-04 17:41

Det burde nero også kunne - men ellers er her et lille program der kan

Fra : refi

Dato : 05-04-04 17:42

Nå det kan nero åbenbart ikke.
Så kan du bruge det andet til at lave avi-filen om.

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