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(rev 3.0) FALSE and NO 'Past Lives' - Was ~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 22-11-11 16:25

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FALSE 'Past Lives' and NO 'Past Lives' - Vitality from Studying History

                      9 September 2011
                     {HRI 20110909-V2.0-P1-V3.0-t}

                     (Part 1* Version 3.0
                      on 22 Nov 2011)

                        (to view less, skip
                         more indented text)

                        (suits foreign
                         language students)




       Definition of 'Charade:'

      'A pretense performed to make you or others
       unaware of what is - or here, what was - really
       going on.' *(26)


   You probably DID manage to stay alive as a child, and managed
   to grow up to being an adult - in many a life time.

To Convince yourself or others, however, of FALSE 'past lives,' *(30)

   of past life achievements, that were definitely NOT your own,

   or on the other hand falsely assigning achievements to others,


   - to yourself AND to others -

as it is, to DENY those past life achievements altogether, that you
or that others DID accomplish. [LIP]

   You probably DID manage to stay alive as a child, and did manage
   to grow up to being an adult ...in many a life time.


      Once again: Truth is absolute and is defined in your soul
      (as you know), as

      'that what happened caused by whom with what intentions.'

      It can not be erased, and so it will always - forever -
      retain its influence or impingement, [LIP]


         making the famous phrase "History repeats itself..."
         be very true indeed,

      WHEN (truthful) History IS HIDDEN, AND NOT STUDIED by you.

      This is reflected in the subject title: FALSE 'Past Lives'
      and NO 'Past Lives' - Vitality from Studying History.




Again put very simply: You probably DID manage to stay alive, as a
child, and managed to grow up to being an adult, in many a life time,

   but assuming FALSE "past achievements" in this respect,

   as horribly false as "having been an animal in your past"

         (though you could have been hypnotized - by some
          very Criminal Mind indeed - into perceiving
          yourself to be, and acting like "being a frog,"

            rather than being the very prince or princess,
            that is the natural condition of most of you,
            being someone

         who can respond to a kiss

            - as in the corresponding, well-known fairy
             tale written down by the Brothers Grimm -

            where the "frog" (the hypnotized prince) does
            respond to a truly loving kiss, responding

         to Loving Energy that may indeed break through and
         dissolve the wall of IMPOSED, INFLICTED, severely
         Criminal hypnotism,

            an infliction of such intensely Harmful Energy
            and so insidiously attached to the victim, and
            so forcefully, that

            even a prince cannot remove it from himself
            without loving help). *(39)



   Actually, an indeed severely Criminal Mind (assisted by other
   Criminal Minds) has succeeded in convincing millions of people

         - maybe even you, at some time - [iFPP-01]

   that "really they were an animal in their past lives." (No

         That very serious Evil, was inflicted on you and on
         others, [ODE]

            - and it is still being inflicted on children
             (very openly even) in school, and on
             students of Medicine too, at universities -

         promoted by a hideously Criminal Mind that you
         probably know the name of:

            Charles Darwin. *(29)



   This Darwin says very openly, that "you were an animal in your

               exploiting also the confusion that
               Criminal Minds have injected into
               many a religion

                  by means of falsely "defining"
                  'God,' [NDG]

   he, the Criminal Mind Charles Darwin, did formulate that hideous
   lie about people, about you, about your children and about your

      - promoting it with as many "scientific" incantations as
       the intensity of his Criminal Mind could conjure up -

   so intensely, that millions of people accepted his

      (very literally sickening)

   lie and horrendous insult of you and everyone.

      Slogan: Was Darwin a monkey, in his past life?



            That you do accept such lies (such hypnotism),

               as did the people of Russia - many like
               eager little slaves - follow Stalin,

               and as did the people of China - many
               like eager little slaves - follow Mao,

               etc. etc.:

               that you fail to understand and that
               many do not reject such or any harmful
               compulsion, any intention or idea that
               is induced into you by a Criminal Mind,

                  such a Compulsion inflicted on you

                     - not merely to follow, but
                      also -

                  TO INCREASE the force of the
                  ideas, and the feelings with it,
                  that are 'compelled onto' you, and

                  to act out such compelled ideas
                  DESPITE the very obvious lies and
                  malice in such inflictions, *(34)

                     you easily recognize the
                     lies when you get OUT of the
                     inflicted, hypnotizing,
                     Harmfully Altered Life

                     but when you are immersed in
                     it and can not recognize or
                     reject it, then

                     you are acting it out, and
                     not only that, but you do so

                  together with your - but equally
                  compelled onto you, it is "your" -
                  REFUSAL to understand that what IS
                  happening to you and others,

                     meaning, "your" refusal is
                     the INFLICTION ON YOU of the
                     Harmful Energy by Criminal
                     Minds, Energy

                     inflicted Energy that
                     conveys, that contains, that
                     inflicts and that imposes on
                     you and on everyone who does
                     not recognize and reject it,

                  the infliction ON YOU of the idea,
                  the feeling, the EMOTION,

                     which is the Energy FROM
                     Criminal Minds, that makes
                     you feel,

                  that "YOU" REFUSE

                     - "you don't want to get the
                      idea even, to study and to
                      UNDERSTAND what hypnotism
                      is, how it DOES work, how
                      is IS indeed inflicted,

                      and inflicting the feeling
                      that "you" REFUSE to know
                      how hypnotism is being
                      inflicted on you, that

                      is the very core part of
                      hypnotism itself, meaning
                      to 'compel onto' you, WITH
                      the other hypnotic command
                      or compulsion installed -

                        they inflict in the
                        same foul breath on
                        you, that "you must
                        REFUSE" it, to even

                  to understand what hypnotism is,
                  how it works; *(38)



                  and indeed, YOU DO NOT KNOW AT ALL
                  HOW the mechanism of Hypnosis

                     which is the reason that I
                     do point it out to you, AND
                     describe to you how it DOES

                     Again: a CORE PART of all
                     hypnosis inflicted on you,

                        of course, you might
                        now say, because the
                        purpose of course, of
                        the Criminal Mind is,
                        to not have the
                        hypnotism of you
                        immediately undone
                        or prevented by you,

                        so they HAVE to
                        and modern "science"
                        does that to you very
                        "beautifully," *(41)

                     to make you feel and think,
                     that '"you" can not under-
                     stand, and "you" DO NOT
                     HAVE to understand and "you"
                     do not want to examine and
                     you do not want to know and
                     you can not know how that,
                     hypnotism, does actually
                     work, how VERY strange,
                     behavior and extremely
                     irrational "reasoning" CAN
                     actually occur from persons
                     who are hypnotized: *(40)



                     Neuro"sciencists" do INDEED
                     IGNORE AND DENY COMPLETELY,
                     how the mind and thus how
                     hypnotism actually works;

               that you do not understand and fail to
               reject harmful compulsions (such as
               slavishly following Criminal Minds)

                  which is in fact their hypnosis
                  of you,

               and thus accept and follow the inflicted
               compulsion, which is made up of compel-
               ling feelings and ideas,

               inflicted "as if these are your own
               (feelings and ideas)"

                  (this DEFINES 'Compulsion,'

                   you may like to know, supposing
                   you want NOT to be an unaware or
                   eager slave to almost every
                   Criminal Mind that intelligently
                   crosses your path or your mind);

               so think about it, whenever you do feel
               a COMPULSION: It is INFLICTED ON YOU;

                  which makes it a for you extremely
                  important subject

                  - and it is thus duly DENIED and
                   IGNORED by the Criminal Minds,

                   those who inflict the hypnotism
                   called "Neuroscience"

                     (a "science" that, by their
                      own inflicted ideas, they
                      would have to classify as
                      a brain-malfunction),

                   as it DOES selectively reject
                   observation and rationality and

                   I quote a professional hypnotist
                   who provides the definition
                   that applies to what these
                   "scientists" are engaged in:

                   "Hypnosis is the by-pass of the
                   Critical Factor of the Conscious
                   Mind and the establishment of
                   acceptable selective thinking" -

               that very destructive hypnosis

                  - how you are manipulated into
                   admiring Criminal Minds and into
                   following these and into
                   CONTRIBUTING TO their hypnosis
                   that they inflict on you -



               such highly destructive hypnotism that
               it makes you EAGER to follow Criminal
               Minds as if these are "great leaders,"
               or as if these are "great scientists"
               or "great artists" *(41) [GA]

            DOES merit an intense examination and study of
            the matter, of hypnotism (of hypnosis),

                  not to inflict it but IN ORDER TO
                  prevent its infliction on you,

            to protect yourself and others ...simply by
            (you and others) getting a CORRECT, truthful
            understanding of what IS going on in life.

               And I define the subject for you:

                  HYPNOTISM consists of the
                  infliction of Harmful Energies
                  on people WITH those people then
                  accepting those inflicted Life
                  Energy PARTICLES,

                  WITHOUT being able or willing to
                  examine such Energies inflicted on
                  themselves and others - *(38)


                  and it matches with the definition
                  that the professional hypnotists
                  give you. *(40)


   THAT mechanism - the infliction of horrendous, extremely
   destructive lies that are inflicted with so much Certainty by
   the Criminal Minds, that their lies are BYPASSING your critical
   thinking - which DEFINES hypnosis -

   that is what you are thus examining, and that you are then
   DISRUPTING, and PREVENTING the grip of on you and on everyone,

   by knowing its ACTUAL mechanism, [ZTA] (meaning, that neither
   the hypnotists, nor the Criminal Minds will tell you at all,
   what they actually do)

      and of course you are to examine the mechanism

      in particular regarding the infliction of such Energies on
      such a massive and destructive scale that it prevents a
      nation from living in peace and in health.




         But Medical Doctors loved it - the horrendous lies
         from the famous Criminal Mind, from Charles Darwin -

         and now from Princeton University Professor Sam Wang
         and the 'Scientific American' magazine and from 'The
         Teaching Company' (also American), to name a few,

         who proliferate the horrendous lies 'with the
         straightest of faces,'

         publishing these in twenty languages - the deadening
         lies from "academics" who are drawing big salaries
         as "Professors," as "research scientists" and the

         INFLICT THEIR LIES onto the society, so "well-

            inflicting the hypnosis so insidiously, with
            so much CERTAINTY, *(45)

            that YOUR OWN community pays them their
            salaries and grants them huge "research"
            budgets, and gives them status and respect:



         To keep millions of people AS Stupid, and AS sick
         - by means of their vicious lies "about life" - as
         they can get away with:

            And you can be fairly certain that they have
            done the same or similar things

               - OUT OF THE SAME INTENTION -

            to harm people "scientifically," (as in the
            Nuremberg race laws, as in the great
            dictatorships, "to rid their country from
            Criminal Minds," really... )

            nowadays using the Medical Profession, [MDSF]

               or as you go further down in history,
               they claimed it to be "religiously,"
               for "religious reasons" to pervert and
               hypnotize the masses

                  to compel people to destroy their
                  own conscience,

               into ordering the still sane, those who
               resist being hypnotized by Criminal

                  those who did NOT accept the
                  Criminal Minds' lies "about Life,"
                  or "about the well-being of the
                  society," or about each other,
                  about other Criminal Minds,

                  ordering those who REFUSED to be

               to be burnt at the stake. [Bamberg]


         They are nowadays not anymore called "men of
         religion," but "scientists,"

            nowadays, with the SAME intention towards
            Mankind, their "religion," often with not
            less fervor, is called 'science,'

         and they are DEEPENING your ignorance, by swamping
         you, as did Charles Darwin too, by drowning you in
         your own ignorance, giving you AND hypnotizing you
         TO ACCEPT, their FALSE data "as true science."


   They love it: "The more stupid and ignorant you are, the better

   It gives THEM "authority" and you give them pay them for
   "educating you" in, or otherwise, to "treat" you with, their

   "The more stupid and ignorant you are, the better FOR THEM."

            Do you get that now, finally?


         And day by day, they deepen and "prove" their
         sickening lies and their Hateful insults of Life,
         their insults of you, of your friends, with the
         most deadening lies,

            those you are likely to hear ALSO from
            licensed Medical Doctors, [MDSF]

         THAT YOU - not knowing what the mechanism of
         hypnosis is - (that you) DO NOT EVEN NOTICE, let
         alone PROTEST against,

         much less protect yourself and others from:

         What they say "about Life," "about you and about
         your children," and what they thus suggest or
         demand you do "for your own good:"

               their Hateful insults in the media

               - given by themselves, and amplified by
                "medical" writers, and by "science"


            And they are not immune to the fact, that
            those lies do also increase their income

               - for, people being told the utterly
                FALSE "source of their discomfort or
                ailment," being told so as if a FALSE
                cause "is the utter truth of the
                ailment," that

                ...does not quite cure people, now,
                does it -

         and these "scientists" try nowadays to "prove their
         sickening lies" by performing 'MRI' and 'CAT' scans
         of your brain

            - all at VAST financial expense to the
             community -

            to "prove" their insults of your person and
            of life, piling on ever more "scientific"
            lies, *(43)

               with a nod to a famous physics
               laboratory "experiment"

         like shining a flashlight into a dark cellar and
         to "scientifically" prove by the light passing
         unhindered, that "air does not exist." *(43)


               So now they "prove," with their High-
               Tech 'flashlight' or scanning apparatus,

               that "NOT" you yourself, and (your own or
               external) Life Energy, affect of course
               also your brain,

                  "not" the (external) Harmfully
                   Altered Life Energy PARTICLES
                   inflicted ON YOU and into your
                   head and into or onto the rest
                   of your body by Criminal Minds,

               DOES create the effects on your brain,
               and on your body,

                  which IS however the case in
                  almost ALL inflictions that are
                  for instance affecting perception,
                  feeling, memory and thinking, and
                  awareness or being conscious,
                  itself, [MDSF][DPFI]

                  not to mention pains, tumors and
                  any 'interictal' or 'intra-ictal'
                  malfunctions, shaking legs and the

               but THE licensed Medical Doctors claim
               the very opposite,

                  - nowadays more and more intensely
                   and DESTRUCTIVELY -

                  (suffering from a 'leak in their
                   "blood-brain barrier",' they
                   might fancy one day to express it
                   IF their "sick brainy thinking"
                   is NOT interrupted in time)

               they DO claim to you and to the society,

                  that "it is your brain 'making you
                  think and feel and perceive'."

                  (Really, I am not joking.)

               They learned this from their famous
               idol, Hippocrates, the self-proclaimed
               Protector of The Medical Profession...





   Charles Darwin's Intense Hate for Humanity


               Charles Darwin tried more and more
               convincingly to make you feel, and
               thus to make you believe more and more

                  - so that you then may act in
                   accordance with and in league
                   with HIS OWN, intense Hate for
                   all of Mankind -

               he was materializing (he was giving form
               and action to) his Hate for Humanity

                  - and Criminal Minds want to have
                   everything seen and "understood"
                   in REVERSE, as you may know -

                     that what THEY want you to
                     think AND thus to act upon,

               with the horrendous and entirely
               IRRATIONAL lie, that

            "It is YOUR BODY, that determines all of you
             - your feelings and your perceptions too,"

               yes, even with the truly incapacitating
               and strongly hypnotic lie, that

            "it is your body that determines your thoughts
             and your goals."

            THAT is how Criminal Minds want you to feel,
            how THEY want you to act and how THEY want you
            to be "educated."

            In general to make you convinced, to hypnotize
            you and the society,

         that people "are the product of their body,"


            a conviction, that IF ACCEPTED AND BELIEVED
            by the masses, is no doubt the dream of anyone
            who earns his income and is building his
            reputation, by tinkering with someone's body

               RATHER than understanding Life and its
               nature, and the nature of a living body,

               and rather than actually HEALING people;

                  and indeed they HATE PEOPLE who
                  do not 'treat' the body, but who
                  simply HEAL the body of others,

                  - their professionally sanctioned
                   HATE for people, is a very sad
                   tale indeed, overwhelming you
                   with sadness

                   ...supposing you want to sit in
                   that Energy of Grief Feeling,
                   rather than to DO SOMETHING
                   about that profession -

               and THEY REFUSE to understand, much less
               to have it understood by the public, how
               actual HEALING works: *(35)

         IT IS NOT A MATTER OF BELIEF, at all, contrary to
         how THEY demand you "understand" such healing

            - they DEMAND, that you "understand" it as
             being subjective, a "suggestive," or that
             you call it "faith healing" - and to further
             poor onto it that "it can not be understood"
             you must even see it as "miracle healing,"


         it IS however purely and simply the mechanics of
         PARTICLES, of Life Energy PARTICLES. [Fine Particle

      but THEY - those who HATE Mankind - these love to maintain
      and THEY want it "proved," and THEY write books to "prove"
      that people "are the product of their body:"

         A thinly veiled version of Nuremberg's infamous laws
         "proving" the thoughts and intentions of people to
         be "determined by their race, by the nature of
         their body, by the structure of their brain..."




         THE Medical Doctors wholeheartedly embraced that
         very literally sickening lie "that the body is you"

            - the Hateful lie with which they most
             viciously insult all people, drive people
             in despair, into dependence on doctors, on
             treatment by them, on their drugs, etc. -

         much like they embraced the "very scientific" and
         very deadly theories of "creating a healthy race:"

         insults (libel really) - hateful, and entirely FALSE
         insults (meaning, insults exclusively with lies),

            soon put into 'race laws' - vicious lies about
            Life itself, and about people, BY most of the
            medical profession - *(37) put into law

         and they can NOT AT ALL claim to their defense, that

         'they did not know more, or not better, about the
         nature of life:'




               The nature of life is known since
               thousand of years, and written about
               in thousands of books,

                  - all available, to the medical
                   profession too,

                   and the nature of Life and of
                   you is the easiest to prove,
                   also to yourself - but

               THEY however, DO NOT WANT PROOF ABOUT
               LIFE, because their very nature REJECTS
               Life as it IS, and wants it, Life, to be
               replaced by molecules, as "the only
               admissible evidence,"

               what they ARE interested in, and the
               "evidence," that they want EXCLUSIVELY,
               is "to prove," that "only molecules and
               photons exist," [MDSF]

                  in the Big Bang that no doubt was
                  inflicted ON THEIR SOUL (coming
                  back to the subject title): in
                  their very distant past. [SHEFP]



               So THEY REFUSE TO KNOW about Life, and
               they want others NOT TO KNOW the nature
               of Life, [SHEFP]

               resulting in vicious insults and in
               'race laws' and belief in "superiority
               of certain races:"

   Really as if people are dogs or other animals,

      HORRENDOUS lies about all people,

         lies that, only half a century ago, were used to
         start a World War and to devastate many countries,
         and ALSO

         horribly to harm their own population, tremendous
         harm inflicted by them BOTH on the body and the
         soul of many millions, within some ten years after
         being GIVEN the authority and support to do so,
         by means of the HYPNOTISM these inflict on you.
         *(37) [MDSF]

   The lie was born out of INTENSE HATE for all people, and carried
   by intense Hate for people, (also born from Charles Darwin's
   intense but hidden Hate for humanity)

      "People are like animals, determined by their body."

      "People were animals, monkeys, in their past."

      When that is stated with enough CERTAINTY, meaning
      nowadays, "scientifically," then it becomes HYPNOTIC.







      Quite on the other hand, but also assigning very FALSE
      'past lives,' there is the condition of someone

      who is assuming a very FALSE "past achievement,"

         for instance, of "having been Jesus Christ,"

      or when that is assumed about another, or when someone
      tells another or projects to someone else, that in the
      past he had achievements which were NOT his at all

         - for instance, which is not uncommon, asserting
          FALSELY of a person, that that person has been
          Jesus Christ" - *(27)(28) [JCNL][ZTA]

      and also SUCH a false claim, is probably AS DESTRUCTIVE,

firmly DENYING 'past lives' altogether - which we described above.





   In BOTH cases it is the action of hiding correct and vital
   knowledge of life and about people,

   and it is hiding an understanding of the actual past,

   and it is replacing that what DID happen in the past, replacing
   it with highly destructive lies

      lies that are fueled by

         - usually very hidden, but therefore not less
          potent -

      INTENSE HATE for people, for humanity:

   their lies are created out of their Hate for humanity.



They are teaching those lies described above, their "scientific" lies
"about Life" and their "scientific" lies "about all people,"

   they do so IN ORDER to hide their tremendous HATE (and it is
   also Darwin's Hate) of all people, *(29)

   that characterizes the Criminal Mind,

      no matter how "well-adjusted" and how "successful" or
      "famous" a Criminal Mind it is. [FILSF]






Peace in the society - ACTUAL 'social stability' - is achieved and is
maintained naturally, by bringing (also these) things in the open,

   AND by defending the nature of Life, defending it from those,

      - obviously to make themselves "superior to others" and
       "to make a good income" or "to be seen as 'an expert'" -


   would WANT the nature of Life and of people hidden from others.

   That makes DEFENDING what actually happened, caused by whom
   actually and with what actual intentions, it makes defending
   that mandatory

      - a true ministry of defense, if you like -

defending the actual nature of people,

   defending the nature of people

   from what are, after all, a hundred million Criminal Minds
   living on Earth (some one percent)

of seven billion rather loving and very lovable people.


   It is so, meaning, you can't get around the observation, that
   Criminal Minds want

      - and that is certainly not difficult to understand -

   THEY want to DESTROY ALSO the proper knowledge and understanding
   of history, of what actually happened caused by whom with what
   intention (which defines 'truth').


   THEY want, instead, to "create their 'OWN' reality"

         and their OWN "reality about others, about you,"

         as also the 'New Age' followers of Blavatski and
         of other New Age gurus preach it, in their "New Age"
         of HIDING Criminal Minds and their true intentions:

            Not a desirable 'New Age' at all...


   Also thereby, like by their very typical lies about "the history
   of civilization," they OPPOSE actual history and they OPPOSE
   truth from being known and vitally acted upon,

         and they thereby OPPOSE your ability to feel and to
         sense and to remember,

         because what you DO feel or sense or remember, maybe
         in glimpses and only sporadically, nowadays,

            is immediately smashed by their lies in their

   One again:

   Their underlying motive and emotion, is an intense but usually
   hidden Hate of people, of humanity, of Mankind,

      for whatever "good reason," that they may certainly
      divulge to you at some time - inadvertently even, or -

      if you probe deeply enough into their hidden emotions,

         as I did probe - as part of my job to make it
         possible to provide peace and joy and love of
         people, of Life.





Vitality from Studying History



   studying it as if you, or relatives, or friends, DID live there
   and then, in history - which no doubt some did - and

   by studying the ACTUALITY of History - of actual people (not
   excluding yourself) who actually did live and did actual things
   in their past,

      under the conditions that were then 'daily life,' in
      real-life circumstances - so,

   by studying that AS REALITY (which after all it is), when you do
   that, *(42)

      doing that which ALSO enormously increases your (or your
      students') interest in life and in people, and in a very
      caring way also in yourself, so then

an enormous amount of your abilities and awareness RETURNS to you,

and you get used again to seeing people - to seeing people AS THEY
ARE - as the soul, as the spirit they are, and that also you are.



      People, ALL people, on Earth without exception, are SO
      VERY SEVERELY BATTERED, in their past as well as in the
      present, [UFPP]

      that - in the light already of that observation - any idea

         for instance "in order to improve their sinful
         soul, or, in order for their soul to 'evolve',"

            or for the very, very barbaric, "in order
            for only the fittest to survive physically,
            as a body,"

         such a barbaric idea, as

      "people have to suffer in life,"

      IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS in the light of that observation
      and knowledge,

      and such an idea, that "people have to suffer in life,"
      is the product of very sick, very Criminal Minds indeed.



   Supposing that, despite that battering, you have some latent
   vitality still inside of you - even when it is buried, in your
   soul -

         or when your children still have sufficient vitality

      DESPITE PAST SEVERE BATTERING, which is taking place in
      the present as well, by means of a continuous assault on
      you and on everyone, by means of Harmful Energy PARTICLES,

            whether you want to be aware of it or not,

            or whether you want, on the other hand, to
            remain in your mental Comfort Zone, [UFPP]

            or whether you try to run away from it into
            that, what the hypnotist calls "relaxation,"

               by which they MEAN

               'feeling great about (not feeling the
               force of) being imprisoned by the mental
               force (the Harmful Energies) of Criminal
               Minds,' (and regardless of these being
               alive or deceased, they still exist);


   when you want to climb OUT of the (indeed very FORCEFUL) 'Mental
   Comfort Zone,' when you

      just out of Love for yourself and for others, get OUT of
      the Energies (inflicted forces) that imprison you mentally
      inside your 'Comfort Zone,'

   DO study real history AS IF IT IS A REAL PART OF YOUR LIFE,


   then you and they (children) become vastly saner, considerably
   more healthy, and much more loving and caring - all of which
   goes together, of course -

      so that normal children become the reliable and valuable
      persons who in the near future CAN carry the very needed
      responsibility for the society,

   by studying (of course correct) history AS IF they, and you or
   friends and family did live there and then,

      studying WHO had what INTENTION, that then resulted in
      what happened:

   studying history as if you THEN felt or sensed, what was going
   on with people you knew or know. [LIP]


   THAT is loving people - as you will see and feel.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

                      'Men of all nations came
                   to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
                sent by all the kings of the world,
                   who had heard of his wisdom.'

                            1 Kings 4:34



Footnotes: (incl. Textnotes)


(26)   Charade (noun) 'A pretense, usually designed to convince someone
   that you are doing something that you are definitely not doing.'

   Charade 2.   'A readily perceived pretense; a travesty'

   Charade 3.   'An empty or deceptive act or pretense ("His concern
         was a charade.")


(27)   The Hindu boy Krishnamurti was told by the clairvoyants Annie
   Besant and Charles Leadbeater

      - who unfortunately were indoctrinated by the very false
       and intentionally FALSE ideas "about evolution of the
       soul" introduced to the West by the very Criminal Mind
       of 'Madame' Helena Blavatsky,

       her INTENTIONALLY FALSE ideas about life, as in her
       books 'Isis Unveiled' etc., her charade of "spiritual
       science," that she called Theosophy -

       (so her followers, clairvoyants Besant and Leadbeater,
       very unfortunately not at all 'claire' enough for such
       excursions into someone else's past-lives,

       And deeply caught in the web of lies "about Life"
       carefully spun and maintained by their guru, 'Madame'

   they told the boy Krishnamurti - a soul of great Beauty, living
   in India then, they told him then - that he, Jiddu Krishnamurti
   "was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and thus 'born to save
   the world'."

   But, by finally opposing that assertion, Krishnamurti himself
   obviously kept his Sanity.

   In other words, he had enough Sanity to deny the FALSITY, and
   thus to keep his Sanity and also to share his Sanity with others
   in his teaching: (Sanity as defined in the HRI's)

   successfully standing up to the "beautiful and admiring" assault
   on his soul by the two 'New Age'-indoctrinated clairvoyants.


(28)   Salim Onbargi was invited to travel to and he did then accompany
   for some time, the reincarnation of Jesus Christ: locally known
   as Doctor Dahesh - which translates, from Arabic, into 'Mister
   Miracle' - a 'psychic medium' as we say nowadays, with by far

   the most extraordinary spiritual ABILITIES ever seen on Earth,
   indeed the same as he was, in his life time on Earth as Jesus
   Christ, though he now was considerably more truthful - meaning,
   considerably more truthful than he spoke of himself and others
   in his Jesus Christ life time - he now was, relatively speaking,
   quite more truthful in his words (and at least he was leaving
   out all the 'Father' stuff, this time - thank God...). [NDG]

   The book:

   Salim Onbargi: 'Born Again With Doctor Dahesh,' 1993 New York,
   (Daheshist Publishing Co., New York) [Onbargi-Dahesh]


   (My review of the, for Earth history tremendously valuable book)

      An engineer with very little understanding of spiritual
      matters, encounters the psychic, and travels as the
      psychic's (Dr. Dahesh's) companion, for some time, in the
      Middle East - a highly interesting account and a clear
      viewpoint by the engineer:

      Very confusing though, is (and this is why I am reluctant
      to recommend it without explanations) the complete lack
      of understanding by the psychic himself, of his own,
      indeed totally awesome and tremendous abilities - his
      complete lack of understanding how he connects to the
      Source Energy of The Creation, and of how and when he can
      NOT, and why he can sometimes and other times not connect
      to those Energies, and giving others very debilitating and
      frustrating "advice," through his lack of understanding
      the source of Energy and of his own abilities, which are,
      of course, not abilities that everyone just can conjure up
      by chanting or writing some formula - a tremendous lack of
      understanding his own self and the mechanisms involved,
      resulting in him dying a biological death of long and
      painful bodily sickness, that he could NOT repair - after
      living an active life of showing his abilities and his
      rather sick and sickening "understanding" of these
      abilities, and his repulsive lack of understanding people
      and global situations, largely determined by the fact
      that he had and has no purpose to remedy these: "If you
      know about the power of the Source Energy of the Creation"
      - Energy that HE could at times tap into - "THEN all will
      be fine, simply if you believe and know, that that Energy
      exists." Which is a very childish attitude, and not caring
      at all for Earth nor for Mankind on Earth - much like we
      know it from so many others who claim to "care."


(29)   Very TELLING quotes from Charles Darwin:

   'A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections - a
    mere heart of stone.' - Charles Darwin

   'Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to
    consider our equal.' - Charles Darwin

   'An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never
    touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men.'
    - Charles Darwin


(30)   The common word 'to confabulate' refers to fabricated "memory:"
   'To fill in gaps in one's memory, to fill it with fabrication.'


(31)   So you can imagine, that I am studying a lot of history,
   including, of course, the history of music and the history of
      but 'regular' history too, such as the (actual) history of
      various dictators, etc., in order to understand and thus,
      by means of that understanding to predict their intentions
      and to become more able to protect myself and all of
      Mankind, from them, [FILSF]

      thus to create and maintain peace and prosperity.
      [DOP] [FPWPH]

(32)   Harrison Salisbury: 'The 900 Days: The Siege of Leningrad,' 1969
   (reprint 2003, DaCapo Press)
   "...it was in Leningrad that [the purges by Stalin] were given
   their characteristic, ... macabre paranoia."

(33) Jung Chang: "Mao" (the famous, truthful biography), 2006 - in
   English ("Mao: The Unknown Story"). (also as 'audio-book')

   Edition in Traditional Chinese language "Mao: The Unknown Story"
   ("Mao Ze Dong : Xian Wei Ren Zhi De Gu Shi"), 2006

   Edition in Japanese "MAO : dare mo shiranakatta Mo Takuto," 2006

   Edition in French "Mao, L'Histoire Inconnue," 2006

   Edition in Spanish "Mao: La Historia Desconocida," 2006

   Edition in Portuguese "Mao: A Historia Desconhecida," 2006

(34) His 'deputy fuhrer' Rudolph Hess, entirely hypnotized by "his
   best friend," Adolf Hitler, this Mr. Hess shouts in a forceful
   trance, to the very large crowd, that is gathered to admire 'the
   leader,' Adolf Hitler, as "the greatest military genius of all
   time," Mr. Hess, an otherwise perfectly capable person, shouts
   from the stage's microphone into the crowd: "Hitler IS Germany
   ...Germany IS Hitler."

   But this was not Hollywood, it was real life, or rather, real
   Hate, real torture and real mass murder, that he advertised
   with all his might.

(35)   Bruno Groening was able - much like Jesus Christ was able too -
   to connect to the Source Energy of The Creation [NDG]

      (if you like, to the 'building blocs,'

         also of, what Medical Doctors see and have to learn
         the Latin names of,

         the material part of the body, the bones and organs

      of any Life form) (any Life Form is built from the Source
      Life Energy Particles)

   and by streaming those, pure Life Energy Particles, into the
   bodies of others,

      into the sick parts of their body, precisely as Jesus
      Christ did with the lepers that came to him for healing,

   the sick, Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles were replaced
   with healthy Life Energy Particles.

   This has nothing at all to do with suggestion nor belief, it is
   purely mechanical.

      That Jesus Christ made it into a "belief" matter, like
      "you have to 'believe in him, and in all his lies about
      his father, etc. etc.':"

      That is a matter that he who was Jesus Christ, has himself
      to come to terms with. *(28)


   Contrary to Jesus Christ, Bruno Groening ENJOYED healing people,
   Bruno loved people, and LOVED to use his gift, his ability, to
   use it in order to help people.

   He, Bruno Groening, did NOT use his abilities 'as little as he
   could get away with:'

      Contrary to Jesus Christ, Bruno Groening was NOT living on
      Earth 'to be horribly punished, in order to propitiate his
      father, to "have to be" tortured and degraded on Earth by
      some severely Criminal Minds,

      "in order to purify his own, Jesus Crhist's own soul and
       then be allowed back to his father's group on a better
       planet than Earth (and not 'a Hell planet,' as he calls
       Earth *(28) ). [JCNL] [SASRJS] [ASRJS]

   THE Medical Doctors however, did set out to and did destroy
   Bruno Groening, in order to oppose and effectively to PREVENT
   him from healing any people who wanted not to be sick anymore
   but HEALED.


   Well, such is the "Ethics" of the organized and educated Medical
   Profession that follows Hippocrates. *(36)

   And so they caused Bruno Groening to die from being thwarted in
   using his gift and his very strong Love for people, helping them
   to enjoy their life again in perfect health.

         The conclusion, also from this example, is:

         The MEDICAL PROFESSION and Medical Industry 'IS

         This compares to many other groups, that place the
         secured income and "reputation" of its members,

            - they don't SAY "its members, the members,"
             but they do say, "the group" maintaining

             is SENIOR to performing the work it claims
             to do

               (as currently (2011) with Pink Ribbons,
               all for the Organization of it, and only
               one percent or so of the donations to it
               actually goes to its advertised goal of
               Cancer Research, and on top, Cancer
               Research ITSELF is mostly a horrible
               fraud of "medical science,")
               (Hoxsey, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam)

         very far ABOVE the very purpose that the "charity"
         or the "scientific research" group purports and
         advertises, and is paid for, to fulfill with its

(36)   See also Julius Hackethal MD, on the Hippocratic Oath:

   'Der Meineid des Hippokrates.: Von der Verschworung der Arzte
    zur Selbstbestimmung des Patienten' Luebbe Verlagsgruppe, 1993
    479 pages


   Kurt G. Bluchel (Kurt G. Bluechel), on Healing is forbidden,
   but killing is legal - as organized criminality in the Health
   Care Industry:

   'Heilen verboten - toten erlaubt: Die organisierte Kriminalitat
    im Gesundheitswesen' Goldmann, 2004
    432 pages

(37)   'Hitler's Doctors: Deadly Reforms' (Discovery Channel - a TV

(38) Hypnotism defined:

   HYPNOTISM consists of the infliction of Harmful Energies onto
   people, and those people then accepting these inflicted Life
   Energy PARTICLES,

   WITHOUT examining these Energies.


      The Energy Particles, inflicted by the hypnotist, these
      contain things for the recipient to perceive and to feel,
      and to think with and act upon,

      because that lies in the nature of Life Energy Particles.

         In the example of the main text, above, these are
         inflicted by a Criminal Mind.

   The hypnotist calls it a "relaxed state" of the recipient, when
   the recipient receives these inflicted Energies AND absorbs
   these WITHOUT critical thinking

      - that is the trade of a hypnotist.


   Hypnotists keep hammering on exactly that point, they tell you
   over and over:

         "YOU MUST SWITCH OFF your rational powers or let
          these be bypassed,"

          while ALL hypnotists, oddly enough, refuse at the
          same time to explain what hypnotism actually IS:

          what they actually DO, to knock people out of being

            which they accomplish by means of inflicting
            (Black Energy) Black Unawareness Energy
            PARTICLES onto you (onto their subjects),

            and their "induction methods" are apparently
            just to hide that from the recipient, so as
            to sidestep any natural resistance to the
            unawareness inflicted.

            Some hypnotists do no "induction" whatsoever,
            they just smash someone instantly with large
            volume Black Energy, so, that the subject
            does not even know THAT he or she has been
            knocked out.

         Well, try and find out HOW you actually fell asleep
         last night, or every night, from an AWARE viewpoint
         of course - aware of Perception and of blocking of
         Perception. And then tell me. [CMS]


   It is NOT ONLY that people can not perceive the inflicted

      (ideas, feelings, Perceptions, Memories are all conveyed
      by means of Life Energy Particles) and it is NOT ONLY,
      that people

can not reject, or else do not want to reject the inflicted,
hypnotic Energies,

   BUT the unwilling (or willing) victims are then INCREASING or
   MAGNIFYING the force and content of the inflicted Energies

      (they become fervent or dogmatic - an outside observer
       would remark - )

   they contribute their own Life Energies to the hypnotism, to the
   Harmful Energies they uncritically receive and absorb,

      and you could say, that 'they are going with the flow,'
      'they stay in their Comfort Zone,'

      ...by following the hypnotic inflictions from Criminal
      Minds on them.


   (see also under 'Hypnotism - definition' in [FLOHR] )

   Recommended for initial study of Hypnotism (Hypnosis):
   Gerald F. Kein - lectures *(40)

(39)   Love is a Connecting type of Energy, and thus has a component of

      So - when you are the princess in this case - you Connect
      to and Perceive the soul of the severely hypnotized

      and in the process (while you do that) you pierce and push
      through the inflicted Black Unawareness Energy (PARTICLES)

      and you push aside and through the other hypnotic Energies
      (PARTICLES) that contain (give off) false feelings and
      that show (impress, project) false images

         - like you know it from a dream, or forcefully,
          from a nightmare - images

      of in this example your prince "being a frog"

         (that has pushed away his normal, actually his OWN
         connections of Perception:

         instead, he is connected to whatever he has been
         hypnotized into feeling about himself)

      "the only thing that he can perceive and feel 'about

         that is, within the Disconnection (the selective
         Blindness) inflicted on him by means of Black and
         other Energy (PARTICLES),

            that literally blot out some of his Awareness
            (some of his Connection to reality),

         so that FALSE images "of himself" remain as the only
         thing he views and feels,

            the images of "being a frog" in this example,
            inflicted very forcefully and very insidiously
            onto him, ONTO HIS SOUL of course, by the
            Criminal Mind who hypnotized him into that
            dire condition.


   Consequently, if you DO feel much Love - for someone or for many
   or for the whole of Mankind, etc.,

   BUT (which you may notice or not), when that Love IS LACKING IN
   actual perception,

      when it is lacking in the observation of what is going on,

   then you will have to admit, that your Love Energy is being
   contaminated by someone's Harmful, distorting Energy - Drugging
   your Love Energy or making your Love Energy Unaware. [DPFI]

      (To the keen observer Drug Energy Particles look milky
       White and feel as a PRETENDED Connection.
       Unawareness Energy Particles look Black and feel like
       'something "isn't there" to sense.') [DPFI]

(40)   "Hypnosis is the by-pass of the Critical Factor of the Conscious
    Mind and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking"

            - Gerald F. Kein (professional hypnotist)

(41)   A more or less random example of their ilk that DELIBERATELY AND
   effectively THEIR certainly to me highly OBVIOUS, INTENSE HATE
   for MANKIND

   - their Hate being so intense, that they even DENY AND REPLACE
    the very nature of people themselves -

   as the proverbial "Evil scientist" does. [SHEFP]

   And I have deliberately included here the names of the various
   institutions that appear in his bio (as provided in 2010 by
   'The Teaching Company'(USA), that sells his "science" lectures),

   in order to illustrate my statement, that "modern science" is
   DOMINATED by Criminal Minds - who are naturally, by their very
   nature, they are - protecting and promote EACH OTHER ("peer-
   reviewed" you might hear them say)

      in their intention to incapacitate people, and

      nowadays "scientifically" to justify - or even
      to "rationally" oblige - the prolific use of drugs by
      everyone and on everyone: [MDSF]


   Professor Sam Wang is Associate Professor of Molecular Biology
   and Neuroscience at Princeton University, with a Ph.D. in
   Neurosciences from Stanford University School of Medicine.

   He did esearch at Duke University Medical Center, where he
   turned his attention to the molecular mechanisms by which
   neurons signal to one another using neurotransmitters. (He is a)
   'Grass Fellow' in Neurophysiology at the Marine Biological
   Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. (He was) Selected by
   the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
   as a Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow. A year on the
   staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources.

   He handled re-authorization of the National Science Foundation
   and tracked federal education, science, and technology policy
   and budget trends for the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

   At Bell Labs Lucent Technologies in the Physics Research
   Laboratory, with David Tank and Winfried Denk, working on the
   development and use of new technologies for probing living
   neural tissue by using "multi-photon" optical methods.
   Then at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, in
   Heidelberg, Germany.

   In 2000 at Princeton University as an Assistant Professor,
   promoted to Associate Professor in 2006.

   More than 50 papers in leading peer-reviewed journals, including
   Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Proceedings of the National Academy
   of Sciences, Neuron, Journal of Neuroscience, and Public Library
   of Science ONE. Awards including an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship,
   the Rita Allen Foundation Young Scholars Fellowship, a
   Distinguished Young Investigator Award from the W. M. Keck
   Foundation, and a CAREER Award from the National Science

   His research findings span from the function of single synapses
   to the architecture of whole brains. His work includes the
   discovery, that learning mechanisms can, in the first minutes of
   the process, act like all-or-none switches, and that bird and
   mammalian brains share similar architectures for generating
   complex social relations. [sic]

   His research has been featured on National Public Radio, and in
   The New York Times.

   (excerpted from the bio provided by The Teaching Company, 2010)

(42)   [Past Life Regression reports of such incidents] (originally in
Dutch language)
Petra Zuidinga: 'De Noordzee-Vrouw En Andere Herinneringen'
   by Petra Zuidinga (1997, book, illustrated)
   Pieter Langedijk: 'Merkwaardige reincarnatieverhalen: priesters
   uit vele culturen, de inquisitie, Katharen, hulp door mensen van
   andere planeten (Ankh-Hermes, 1997 - 95 pages)

(43)   You might have studied it in high school physics:

   It is much like the infamous "physics scientists" Michelson and
   Morley "proving" their idea, "scientifically"

      - WHILE claiming only photons to exist, they did set out
       "to prove,"

         and the "scientific" community was ALREADY
         hypnotized since more than a century, to accept
         that DENIAL of physics itself, *(44)

            they set out to, and to THAT community they

       with photons, mind you -

   that Life Energy or similar Particles "do not exist."

(44) Anton Mesmer, 1734-1815 Vienna and Paris, Europe, re-discovered
and used Life Energy (by him wrongly named 'magnetic,' but
somewhat more appropriately, a 'fluid') to heal people of almost
anything, including blindness.

Mesmer - meaning his discovery - was destroyed by Criminal Minds
in particular by the American Benjamin Franklin, then in Paris,
France, and by the Frenchman Antoine Lavoisier:

'They reached the official conclusion [in 1784] that "the
'magnetic rays' were non-existent, and any beneficial
results from such treatment [nowadays the treatment is
called Reiki, chiropractic, etc.] was due to self-

'They also reached the conclusion that "magnetic treatment
was dangerous for women - since it might destroy their
inhibitions [women should be sexually inhibited,
according to the Criminal Minds at that time and place]".'
(see or note also the 2011 movie 'Hysteria')

(45) I quote from the observations of a professional hypnotist:

   "Suggestions given in the [normal, not hypnotic but] waking
    state, must be given with complete confidence and absolute

   "These must leave no room for doubt. If doubt creeps in, the
    suggestion usually becomes ineffective.

   "Therefore, give the suggestions in a manner that implies, that
    what you have said, is as certain of happening, 'as [daylight
    appearing every morning]'."


   - Gerald Kein: Basic-Intermediate-Advanced Hypnosis Training
    Manual (pages 27 ff.)




[JCNL]'Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be
   - Nor Does He Want To Be One' (JCNL)
   {HRI 20081005-V2.4}
    (5 October 2008 - Version 2.4 on 10 Oct 2008)

[ZTA]   'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
   to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
   {HRI 20060305-V2.7} (ZTA)
    (5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)

[iFPP-01] iFPP-01 'Introduction: Life Forms' -
   (introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part One)
   {iFPP 20010829-pi01-V1.1.4} {iFPP-01-V1.1.4} [iFPP-01]
    (29 August 2001 - iFPP-01 Version 1.1.4 on 6 Mar 2008)

[iFPP] Introduction to Fine Particle Physics

[Fine Particle Physics] as in 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics'

[MDSF] 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
   The Economy, and The United Nations' (MDSF)
   (incl. definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
    of 'Molecular Medicine,' 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
    {HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.3.1}
    (4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.3.1 on 1 Oct 2011)

[NDG] 'Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism,
   and Examining Heaven and Hell' (NDG)
   {HRI 20080406-V5.0}
    (6 April 2008 - Version 5.0 on 17 May 2011)
   Title changed from:
'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
   Monotheism' (DGC) {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
    (6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

[LIP] 'Living In The Present - Definition'
   {HRI 20030102-V3.1.2} [LIP]
    (2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

[PLRP] 'Past Lives and Rationality' (Plato)
   {HRI 20020912} [PLRP]
    (12 Sept 2002)

[TPLAD]'Those, by whom the truth of Past Lives is actively denied OR
   perverted, are SEVERELY INSANE, malicious, and inherently
   {HRI 20070905-V1.1} [TPLAD]
    (5 September 2007 - Version 1.1 on 7 Sept 2007)

[RGBA]'Restoring Genuine Beauty Is Restoring Aliveness
   - Mozart Effect'
   {HRI 20021114} [RGBA]
    (14 Nov 2002)

[SME] 'The Second Mozart-Effect - Connecting To Your Own Past'
{HRI 20020903} [SME]
(3 Sept 2002 - Version 1.1)

[FILSF]'The natural First International Law (FIL), in very short form'
{HRI 20091004-V1.2}
(4 October 2009 - Version 1.2 on 24 Aug 2011)

[DOP] 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.8.1.1-t}
(20 May 2007 - Version on 20 May 2010)
(repost with subject 'Natural Definition of Peace' on 20110811)

[FPWPH]'We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not
For The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao - 'Balance of Power' and
'People are all Equal' ' [FPWPH]
{HRI 20070207-V3.7.1}
(7 February 2007 - Version 3.7.1 on 24 Sept 2008)
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-t} (Version 3.7-t on 21 Feb 2008)

[FLOHR]'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.5}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)

[HPC] 'Handling Psychosis And Compulsions - A Definition Of Psychosis
- Definition Of Compulsion' (HPC)
{HRI 20020915}
(15 Sept 2002)

[SASRJS] 'Short Summary of: 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually
REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan (Source of Evil) (SASRJS)'
(incl. Definition of Jesus Christ, Definition of Satan, and
LINK to {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[ASRJS]'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')' (ASRJS)
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[WHEB-01]'Who Hides Evil Best ...the Materialists, or the New Age
   followers? - Unhappiness CREATED by Hiding Evil'
{HRI 20110814-V1.0-P1-V1.0-t} [WHEB-01] (or later Version)
(14 August 2011 - Part 1 Version 1.0 on 3 Nov 2011)

[UFPP]'Unawareness, you know what that is? (Fine Particle Physics)'
{FPP note 20110624-V1.0.2} (UFPP)
(24 June 2011 - Version 1.0.2 on 24 Jun 2011)

[DPFI]'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)

[SHEFP]'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A} [SHEFP]
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
which includes
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

[CMS]'Cause and Mechanism of Sleep - (Fine Particle Physics)
(incl. Definition of Intelligence and Stupidity)' (CMS)
(plus preamble (20100505 rev. 20100607)
{FPP 20100404-I-V1.4}
(4 April 2010 - Version 1.4 on 5 Jan 2011)

[ODE] 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[YGSQ]'Quotes from: The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on
Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire
on your Life Force' [YGSQ]
{HRI 20090707-V3.4-quotes}
(7 July 2009 - Quotes from V3.4 on 27 September 2009)

[GA] 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA)
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)




   'Writing Technique - Non-fiction - Facing Life'
   {HRI 20030317} [WTFL]
    (17 Mar 2003)

   'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty' [TOS]
   {HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
    (7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)


Issue Note:

(*)   Introduction to:

   'The 'Past Lives' Charade - Education Basics'
    - {HRI 20110909-V2.0}

   (to be issued)




Copyright 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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