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Love + Love
Fra : Scientific Astrology

Dato : 25-04-07 12:43

Make love & money! Instant magick & Venus astrology as blended for
successful seduction. Seduce her time and space with our Instant
Magickal Seduction methods while selecting the best time to visit her
Venus. Venus in Orion does not seem to be as sexy as Venus in Hydra
is. RTRRT & sci-astrology team up in order to seduce partner
impossible in record time!

Love & Money
A Preview

Why is there any shortage of love and money in the world? It might be
that people don't know when to go for their chances. How many an
astrological advice went wrong? It is no wonder there is no love and
understanding in a world full of pseudo-astrologers who use false
ephemeris along with an array of useless techniques that multiply

Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Seducing partner impossible with the use of the RTRRT is easy but
sometimes we just want to do it right. In that case we use excellent
timing as dictated by modern astrology.
While it is possible to marry with Venus in Hydra or Mercury in Orion
one will tend to avoid taking chances while still in the learning
process. Thus summer 2007 is generally not very marriageable indeed as
concern planetary positions.
Instant magick & the astrology of Venus as blended for successful
seduction. Seduce her time and space with our Instant Magickal
Seduction methods while selecting the best time to visit her Venus.
Venus in Orion does not seem to be as sexy as Venus in Hydra is. RTRRT
& sci-astrology team up in order to seduce partner impossible in
record time.
Mercury in Orion was moreover Lady Diana Spencer's natal Mercury
position. The astrologers could not know this and many other facts
when they suggested marriage.
It is in vain to search for aspects that are not there much as
astrologers still rare on this planet. It would seem that everybody
that is armed by an astrological program is an astrologer, which is of
course absurd. Such popular programs are of course quite incapable of
proper calculation as they were made for fun only. Serious astrologers
know the 22 zodiacal stations plus 16 ascendants prior to making any
further calculation.

Klaudio Zic

Personal Human Magick and Astrology

Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

TRRT stands for Real Time Reality Rendering Tools, a convenient
rendering of the old world of personal magick. The RTRRT simply wipe
out any idea of a "bad future" ahead while laying out a prosperous
highway of dreams come true for everyone. In order for this not to
sound as promise only one has to peruse the RTRRT preferably on daily
basis. Your alleged "bad future" was either imposed upon you or your
own invention, with misinformed or even malicious people probably
helping you with whatever idea about inescapable bad fate. Whether
there is a "tarot expert" that "guessed many things" in that tent or
"natal astrology" with foreboding results, the result of perusing the
RTRRT is forgetting about those people and their tawdry "bad future
workshops". It takes 40 years to become an initiate of the first tarot
"card". As concern astrologers we positively know that you own
astrologer is quite incapable of determining even close one's own
position of the natal Sun. So don't worry about your ex pseudo-
astrologer and "tarot expert" because they surely don't have the time
and power to handle their own bad karma. Those people cash on your
worries that according to the RTRRT are not even yours! There is a
buzz going around saying that things may go wrong and people with
"personal power shortage" accept it. The RTRRT mark an end to the much
dreaded "bad transits" or "inescapable natal aspects" as concern
astrology much as one's alleged "bad karma" is wiped along forever.
You can finally laugh at that astrologer or crooked New Wage guru,
since you are free from bad astrology as well as any self-imposed bad
karma forever! The RTRRT enable just everyone into changing one's
future according to one's best design. Instant magick not only suits
our busy times but acts much as a personal wearable computer with an
inbuilt matrix changing function. Now you can perform instant magick
while being shielded by the cloak of invisibility since all your
orders are rendered in seconds. Simplicity greatly helps with fast
download times when it comes to Snow Crash. Snow Crash can render
events in real time over amazing periods of time from half an hour to
five minutes. O5 practitioners have reported record download times
along with excellent results when dealing with express money delivery
and winning at the casino. The RTRRT are perfectly capable of changing
the flow of events in order to bring the good things your way in an
optimized way, the flagship of the series being the Personal Cosmic
Secretary. The P.C.S. abridges the gap between your daily self and
that immense intelligent sea of consciousness that forms the active
side of infinity. In a way the P.C.S. is a "thin interface to
omnipotence". From happy marriage rendering to wining at lottery, the
RTRRT are yours to discover and use in an "unpack and go" fashion.

zodiacal constellations form the basis for scientific astrology to
grow upon. Venus defines 21 constellation while Moon in Auriga is the
22nd zodiacal station. The zodiac is thus defined by precisely 22 IAU
constellations. Note that Eris and Pluto are excluded from this
calculus, each dwarf planet having its own zodiac, the X zodiac
defining the path of Eris, e.g. Eris in Camelopardalis, while the P
zodiac defines the path of Pluto, e.g. Pluto in Coma Berenices. If
Eris and Pluto were planets the zodiac would have over 40 IAU

ascendants rise at this epoch in the east. So it is not as they told
you. There are no 12 or 13 ascendants out there and if there are 13
ascendants for the Sun they never rise in due east. The 13th ascendant
would be the central zodiacal station of the Sun, which is the
constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer or Redeemer. Our
publications deal with this topic in detail. There is no constant set
of ascendants at all due to the "inconstancy" of the stellar vault.
One was lead to suppose there is a constant set of 12 ascendants but
in fact there is nothing constant about ascendants since precession
rotates the set of ascendants. Your own medieval ascendant could be
Crater. Presently there is no Aries ascendant. Check the set of
ascendants at our site and discover your true eastern ascendant! Then
there's the descendant, which sort of projects the image of your
marriage partner. Our special focus is on the 7th house of your
horoscope with any possible surprises in the form of giant
transneptunians. Don't let a false ascendant spoil your marriage and
watch out for frozen potatoes from outer space!

Happy Life Solutions for the Reformed Humanity

Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

ife can render all your dreams come true as soon as you unpack your
favorite RTRRT bundle. Let your imagination explode free with "realty
rendering", a convenient name for instant magick! Our magickal bundles
are overloaded with instant magick for your daily use. What does it
mean? Magick tends to transmit from experienced user to fairly
receptive apprentice. Instant magick will tend to enchant your life as
well, according to your own best design. Today is the best day to get
rid of any fate, karma or bad astrology and make all your dreams come
true. And remember that your personal cosmic secretary improves even
your very best design!

nstant magick works for everyone from absolute beginner to those
expert in occultism. The RTRRT methods are concentrated magick.
Instant magick has been simplified for daily use for just everyone,
children including. Yes even a child can perform instant miracles! The
RTRRT extensions include such applications as the popular Marriage
Rendering method. There is surely an application for you within our
bundles and we can even write a custom application to serve you
better! Our purpose is to transcend limitations, including karmic,
fateful or astrological drawbacks. In order to make you happier we
even proved that all horoscopes were false! By working with NASA
equipment we were able to produce a major reformation of astrology for
the New Age to come. Our extensive astrological research covers all
facets of partnership up to the most recently discovered
transneptunian objects that might dwell in your partner's house of
marriage. Everything changes with scientific astrology. 2000 years of
misinformation have gone. We have discreated darkness. Whoever claimed
astrology was valuable were right, but astrology with the supervision
of astronomy. Whoever feels disturbed by astronomy (and many indeed
seem to be) feels justly disturbed as scientific astrology is about
true planetary position while superstition is about fraud. They lied
to you and if you have your life at stake and the lives of your
children, please consider the NASA ephemerides that we posted. Just
face it: NASA knows where the planets are, cheap "astrologic" programs
don't! As for those who will embrace lie, their doom was sealed in
January 2005 and that forever. You don't need scientific astrology to
perform instant magick now. Astronomical divination can help planing
one's future and since we don't deal with superstition we wanted to
put it straight, so we reformed the zodiac and the ascendant. The
reformed human finally knows the guardian star at birth. Whether we
should burn the books and crooks at stake is up to humanity and this
time we better burn the remnants of a sick age of darkness. Whoever is
able to embrace the scientific truth about one's own birth-sky is
already on the path of salvation. Nobody has Aries ascending at this
epoch. There is no such thing as Pluto in Aries etc. When in doubt
check with your local observatory. There are presently 16 ascendants
and the zodiac is populated by 22 constellations. We produced over 500
publications as well as literally covered the Internet with NASA based
information. Everyone can download the proper positions of the Sun and
the planets and check what it says. And if the NASA ephemeris says the
Sun is in Virgo it is not in "Scorpio" as you might have been told.
When the Sun is in Libra on Nov 23rd (Sai Baba's birthday) it is in
Libra because NASA says so and God and the planet will agree. If the
sky says that Pisces is rising forget about "Capricorn". Such and
worse errors were quite standard in the past and must not surprise a
bona fide onlooker much as they won't harm the progress of a true
astrologer. It is better to telephone the observatory then to let a
supposed "astrologer" ruin your life with false identification. Shoot
the expert and get rid of pseudo-astrology for the sake of humanity.

n adopting a proper perspective your future immediately becomes your
own. Mind it that this means forever. One can order ORME or
immortality using any standard or favorite RTRRT such as the Personal
Cosmic Secretary or O5. It is necessary to drop weighty lies, in order
to really fly. The Stargate is waiting. Mercury is in Orion. Forget
about so-called astrology and concentrate on redemption. If there is
need for calculation it is very easy to initiate just everyone in such
basic astrology as marriage prediction. This type of calculus takes a
second and everyone can learn it in minutes. No ephemeris, computer,
pen or pencil is required.

ife can render more. The only thing to do is plug into your Cosmic
Secretary and order a miracle. Discreating bad karma using O5 or
Cascade will enhance the uninterrupted communication with the immense
wisdom that is you. So start rendering reality now and forget about
fears, lies and dogma. Get ready for an array of infinite surprise, as
the supply is literally inexhaustible. Your better future is trying to
communicate with you through your reemerging true mind. Those wishes
that seem to be impossible are in truth your real future that was
screened from you. You are on the path to your own best future that
already exists. It is in this prospective that all dreams come true.
Those dreams are only flickering glimpses of a future that is already
yours to take. Don't refuse it by false practices! Many religions
forbid lies. Clearing is about discreation of false ego. Do not listen
to that phantom voice, refuse to use the default mind and be yourself
and even better futurities will open for you as you thread your path.

   Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
The material has been previously published and is available through
web site http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright (c) 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of
this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by

Native (26-04-2007)
Fra : Native

Dato : 26-04-07 23:46

neon burning up above And I'm just high on the world Come on and take a low
ride with me girl On the tunnel of love It's just the danger
"Scientific Astrology" <iau28@yahoo.co.uk> schreef in bericht
> Make love & money! Instant magick & Venus astrology as blended for
> successful seduction. Seduce her time and space with our Instant
> Magickal Seduction methods while selecting the best time to visit her
> Venus. Venus in Orion does not seem to be as sexy as Venus in Hydra
> is. RTRRT & sci-astrology team up in order to seduce partner
> impossible in record time!
> Love & Money
> A Preview
> Why is there any shortage of love and money in the world? It might be
> that people don't know when to go for their chances. How many an
> astrological advice went wrong? It is no wonder there is no love and
> understanding in a world full of pseudo-astrologers who use false
> ephemeris along with an array of useless techniques that multiply
> error.
> Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
> http://www.lulu.com/astrology
> Seducing partner impossible with the use of the RTRRT is easy but
> sometimes we just want to do it right. In that case we use excellent
> timing as dictated by modern astrology.
> ...
> While it is possible to marry with Venus in Hydra or Mercury in Orion
> one will tend to avoid taking chances while still in the learning
> process. Thus summer 2007 is generally not very marriageable indeed as
> concern planetary positions.
> ...
> Instant magick & the astrology of Venus as blended for successful
> seduction. Seduce her time and space with our Instant Magickal
> Seduction methods while selecting the best time to visit her Venus.
> Venus in Orion does not seem to be as sexy as Venus in Hydra is. RTRRT
> & sci-astrology team up in order to seduce partner impossible in
> record time.
> ...
> Mercury in Orion was moreover Lady Diana Spencer's natal Mercury
> position. The astrologers could not know this and many other facts
> when they suggested marriage.
> ...
> It is in vain to search for aspects that are not there much as
> astrologers still rare on this planet. It would seem that everybody
> that is armed by an astrological program is an astrologer, which is of
> course absurd. Such popular programs are of course quite incapable of
> proper calculation as they were made for fun only. Serious astrologers
> know the 22 zodiacal stations plus 16 ascendants prior to making any
> further calculation.
> Klaudio Zic
> Personal Human Magick and Astrology
> Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
> http://www.lulu.com/astrology
> R
> TRRT stands for Real Time Reality Rendering Tools, a convenient
> rendering of the old world of personal magick. The RTRRT simply wipe
> out any idea of a "bad future" ahead while laying out a prosperous
> highway of dreams come true for everyone. In order for this not to
> sound as promise only one has to peruse the RTRRT preferably on daily
> basis. Your alleged "bad future" was either imposed upon you or your
> own invention, with misinformed or even malicious people probably
> helping you with whatever idea about inescapable bad fate. Whether
> there is a "tarot expert" that "guessed many things" in that tent or
> "natal astrology" with foreboding results, the result of perusing the
> RTRRT is forgetting about those people and their tawdry "bad future
> workshops". It takes 40 years to become an initiate of the first tarot
> "card". As concern astrologers we positively know that you own
> astrologer is quite incapable of determining even close one's own
> position of the natal Sun. So don't worry about your ex pseudo-
> astrologer and "tarot expert" because they surely don't have the time
> and power to handle their own bad karma. Those people cash on your
> worries that according to the RTRRT are not even yours! There is a
> buzz going around saying that things may go wrong and people with
> "personal power shortage" accept it. The RTRRT mark an end to the much
> dreaded "bad transits" or "inescapable natal aspects" as concern
> astrology much as one's alleged "bad karma" is wiped along forever.
> You can finally laugh at that astrologer or crooked New Wage guru,
> since you are free from bad astrology as well as any self-imposed bad
> karma forever! The RTRRT enable just everyone into changing one's
> future according to one's best design. Instant magick not only suits
> our busy times but acts much as a personal wearable computer with an
> inbuilt matrix changing function. Now you can perform instant magick
> while being shielded by the cloak of invisibility since all your
> orders are rendered in seconds. Simplicity greatly helps with fast
> download times when it comes to Snow Crash. Snow Crash can render
> events in real time over amazing periods of time from half an hour to
> five minutes. O5 practitioners have reported record download times
> along with excellent results when dealing with express money delivery
> and winning at the casino. The RTRRT are perfectly capable of changing
> the flow of events in order to bring the good things your way in an
> optimized way, the flagship of the series being the Personal Cosmic
> Secretary. The P.C.S. abridges the gap between your daily self and
> that immense intelligent sea of consciousness that forms the active
> side of infinity. In a way the P.C.S. is a "thin interface to
> omnipotence". From happy marriage rendering to wining at lottery, the
> RTRRT are yours to discover and use in an "unpack and go" fashion.
> 22
> zodiacal constellations form the basis for scientific astrology to
> grow upon. Venus defines 21 constellation while Moon in Auriga is the
> 22nd zodiacal station. The zodiac is thus defined by precisely 22 IAU
> constellations. Note that Eris and Pluto are excluded from this
> calculus, each dwarf planet having its own zodiac, the X zodiac
> defining the path of Eris, e.g. Eris in Camelopardalis, while the P
> zodiac defines the path of Pluto, e.g. Pluto in Coma Berenices. If
> Eris and Pluto were planets the zodiac would have over 40 IAU
> constellations.
> 16
> ascendants rise at this epoch in the east. So it is not as they told
> you. There are no 12 or 13 ascendants out there and if there are 13
> ascendants for the Sun they never rise in due east. The 13th ascendant
> would be the central zodiacal station of the Sun, which is the
> constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer or Redeemer. Our
> publications deal with this topic in detail. There is no constant set
> of ascendants at all due to the "inconstancy" of the stellar vault.
> One was lead to suppose there is a constant set of 12 ascendants but
> in fact there is nothing constant about ascendants since precession
> rotates the set of ascendants. Your own medieval ascendant could be
> Crater. Presently there is no Aries ascendant. Check the set of
> ascendants at our site and discover your true eastern ascendant! Then
> there's the descendant, which sort of projects the image of your
> marriage partner. Our special focus is on the 7th house of your
> horoscope with any possible surprises in the form of giant
> transneptunians. Don't let a false ascendant spoil your marriage and
> watch out for frozen potatoes from outer space!
> Happy Life Solutions for the Reformed Humanity
> Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
> http://www.lulu.com/astrology
> L
> ife can render all your dreams come true as soon as you unpack your
> favorite RTRRT bundle. Let your imagination explode free with "realty
> rendering", a convenient name for instant magick! Our magickal bundles
> are overloaded with instant magick for your daily use. What does it
> mean? Magick tends to transmit from experienced user to fairly
> receptive apprentice. Instant magick will tend to enchant your life as
> well, according to your own best design. Today is the best day to get
> rid of any fate, karma or bad astrology and make all your dreams come
> true. And remember that your personal cosmic secretary improves even
> your very best design!
> I
> nstant magick works for everyone from absolute beginner to those
> expert in occultism. The RTRRT methods are concentrated magick.
> Instant magick has been simplified for daily use for just everyone,
> children including. Yes even a child can perform instant miracles! The
> RTRRT extensions include such applications as the popular Marriage
> Rendering method. There is surely an application for you within our
> bundles and we can even write a custom application to serve you
> better! Our purpose is to transcend limitations, including karmic,
> fateful or astrological drawbacks. In order to make you happier we
> even proved that all horoscopes were false! By working with NASA
> equipment we were able to produce a major reformation of astrology for
> the New Age to come. Our extensive astrological research covers all
> facets of partnership up to the most recently discovered
> transneptunian objects that might dwell in your partner's house of
> marriage. Everything changes with scientific astrology. 2000 years of
> misinformation have gone. We have discreated darkness. Whoever claimed
> astrology was valuable were right, but astrology with the supervision
> of astronomy. Whoever feels disturbed by astronomy (and many indeed
> seem to be) feels justly disturbed as scientific astrology is about
> true planetary position while superstition is about fraud. They lied
> to you and if you have your life at stake and the lives of your
> children, please consider the NASA ephemerides that we posted. Just
> face it: NASA knows where the planets are, cheap "astrologic" programs
> don't! As for those who will embrace lie, their doom was sealed in
> January 2005 and that forever. You don't need scientific astrology to
> perform instant magick now. Astronomical divination can help planing
> one's future and since we don't deal with superstition we wanted to
> put it straight, so we reformed the zodiac and the ascendant. The
> reformed human finally knows the guardian star at birth. Whether we
> should burn the books and crooks at stake is up to humanity and this
> time we better burn the remnants of a sick age of darkness. Whoever is
> able to embrace the scientific truth about one's own birth-sky is
> already on the path of salvation. Nobody has Aries ascending at this
> epoch. There is no such thing as Pluto in Aries etc. When in doubt
> check with your local observatory. There are presently 16 ascendants
> and the zodiac is populated by 22 constellations. We produced over 500
> publications as well as literally covered the Internet with NASA based
> information. Everyone can download the proper positions of the Sun and
> the planets and check what it says. And if the NASA ephemeris says the
> Sun is in Virgo it is not in "Scorpio" as you might have been told.
> When the Sun is in Libra on Nov 23rd (Sai Baba's birthday) it is in
> Libra because NASA says so and God and the planet will agree. If the
> sky says that Pisces is rising forget about "Capricorn". Such and
> worse errors were quite standard in the past and must not surprise a
> bona fide onlooker much as they won't harm the progress of a true
> astrologer. It is better to telephone the observatory then to let a
> supposed "astrologer" ruin your life with false identification. Shoot
> the expert and get rid of pseudo-astrology for the sake of humanity.
> I
> n adopting a proper perspective your future immediately becomes your
> own. Mind it that this means forever. One can order ORME or
> immortality using any standard or favorite RTRRT such as the Personal
> Cosmic Secretary or O5. It is necessary to drop weighty lies, in order
> to really fly. The Stargate is waiting. Mercury is in Orion. Forget
> about so-called astrology and concentrate on redemption. If there is
> need for calculation it is very easy to initiate just everyone in such
> basic astrology as marriage prediction. This type of calculus takes a
> second and everyone can learn it in minutes. No ephemeris, computer,
> pen or pencil is required.
> L
> ife can render more. The only thing to do is plug into your Cosmic
> Secretary and order a miracle. Discreating bad karma using O5 or
> Cascade will enhance the uninterrupted communication with the immense
> wisdom that is you. So start rendering reality now and forget about
> fears, lies and dogma. Get ready for an array of infinite surprise, as
> the supply is literally inexhaustible. Your better future is trying to
> communicate with you through your reemerging true mind. Those wishes
> that seem to be impossible are in truth your real future that was
> screened from you. You are on the path to your own best future that
> already exists. It is in this prospective that all dreams come true.
> Those dreams are only flickering glimpses of a future that is already
> yours to take. Don't refuse it by false practices! Many religions
> forbid lies. Clearing is about discreation of false ego. Do not listen
> to that phantom voice, refuse to use the default mind and be yourself
> and even better futurities will open for you as you thread your path.
> Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
> Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
> Law.
> The material has been previously published and is available through
> web site http://www.lulu.com/astrology
> Copyright (c) 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of
> this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
> means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,
> without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by
> law.

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