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221 point
Dato : 30-09-09 22:13

En der gidder at se dette igennem? :) Har desværre lidt problemmer med mit engelsk, og ville gerne høre om, der var een der måske gad at komme med lidt kritik inden jeg aflevere den, idet jeg ikke kan få hjælp af mine forældre og har det med at overse nogle dumme fejl.

We all have problems; great and small. Maybe we think that the problems are our faults, maybe not. In the story we hear about the narrator, who meets with some different problems, while she suffers from her low self-worth.
Courtney Jones uses a first-person narrative in the story. The narrator is a young woman, who works in a cardiac care unit. She has a very low self-worth. This low self-worth appears when she reads the woman’s magazines and follows their instructions about how you, for instance, please a man. She looks up to her sister, her boss and his wife. These people are role models for the narrator. The narrator shows this, when she admires her boss’ shoes and cashmere sweaters. The narrator feels that she has many faults, among them her irregular heart, which she first begins to appreciate, when her boss tells her that it is a true beauty. The boss – Dr. Soleander says under a sexual intercourse that true beauty lies in nature’s mistakes. This sentence contributes to make the narrator’s feelings to Dr. Soleander stronger. The narrator is very in love with her boss Dr. Soleander.
James Soleander is a young, rich and powerful man. He is in the narrator’s opinion perfect.
”As far as I know, there was nothing missing in his life... “ (Page 3, line 82)
He works as a heart doctor, and is as told the narrator’s boss. He is married to a beautiful wife, who according to the narrator also is perfect. She is beautiful, charming and smart. We get the impression that he is a very important and hard-working man, because he goes to a medical conference, or forgets where he put his pen when it is tucked behind his ear. Dr. Soleander is also absorbed in quality – he buys for instance furniture of a very high quality. A corresponding quality is therefore his love to the narrator’s irregular heart. Dr. Soleander has also a little strange character trait; he likes to eat onions, which disagrees with the narrator’s baby.
The narrator and Dr. Soleander are in way contrasts. Dr. Soleander has a lot of self-worth, which appears at the end of the story, where he laughs at the narrator’s ignorance. While the narrator needs a high self-worth.
The beginning of the affair between the narrator and Dr. Soleander is the sexual intercourse. The narrator is already after the sexual intercourse desperately in love with him. The narrator gets soon the chance to go to a conference in Hilton with Dr. Soleander. She now knows that she is pregnant and spends a lot of time thinking about her baby. The narrator sees possibly the baby as a way to Dr. Soleander’s heart. But after the conference in Hilton Dr. Soleander doesn’t display an interest in the narrator, he will rather be together with his beautiful wife Donna. The narrator is, at the end of the story, told that her body might not be able to hold onto a baby. So she decides to tell Dr. Soleander that she is not able to have a baby. He gets sad, but he gives no big sign of feeling sorrow. Dr. Soleander laughs at the end of the story at the narrator, because she thinks that her heartburn has something to do with her heart. You can say that the relationship between Dr. Soleander and the narrator is closest under the sexual intercourse, but gets less close, when the narrator is told that her body might not be able to hold onto a baby.
A theme in the text is self-worth and how important it is for us to have a high self-worth. Another theme is love and relationships. There are many different relationships in the text. Among them the relationship between the narrator and her sister, Donna and Dr. Soleander, and of course the relationship between the narrator and Dr. Soleander.
A recurring image in the text is the narrator’s baby. It appears in many connections. Among them when the narrator falls asleep or when she goes to the Turkey Gobbler. The heart is also a recurring image – Dr. Soleander is a heart doctor, the narrator gets heartburn and she has an irregular heart.
The story elapses in different tenses. The point of no return is where the narrator is told that she might not be able to hold onto a baby. It spoils her self-worth and also her dream about a family with Dr. Soleander.
The story is altogether fine built up, but I miss the rest of the text, so I can achieve a better understanding of the story.

Accepteret svar
Fra : svendgiversen

Modtaget 221 point
Dato : 01-10-09 17:15

Måske en lidt skandinavisk præget historie opbygning,
men jeg synes det er pænt og let forståeligt engelsk.

have a nice day...

Fra : transor

Dato : 01-10-09 18:25

Der er ret mange fejl.
Du skal passe på med ordret oversættelse med ordbog. Det duer ikke.

eksempelvis betyder " great problem " storslået problem.

Det hedder big problem eller big issue.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : weld

Dato : 02-10-09 13:33

Tak for svaret svendgiversen.

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