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Danish banks are corrupt
towier har modtaget 5 point for dette tip
Fra : towier
Vist : 922 gange

Dato : 03-12-06 23:07

Since two years there is a new payment system in Europe meant for easy paying and without extra costs between people living in the EU and / or EER (Switzerland).
This system is called eurogiro and the bank doing it is the Eurogiro bank in Taastrup in Denmark.
The EU did reward Denmark as good EU member with this bank, but Denmark is behaving extremely bad with their European banking policy.
Payments between two inhabitants from the EU have to be without extra costs using eurogiro basic using a special form from their bank / giro, this means:
1) Both inhabitants live in an EU (EER) country
2) Payment is in Euro's but the receiver does get his own currency For example when somebody from Germany does pay with eurogiro basic the amount of 100 Euro to somebody in Denmark, the Danish receiver does receive about 745 DKK and both banks may not charge high extra costs but only charge as inland payments.
3) You fill in the IBAN number from the receiver (This number is on your banking papers)
4) Fill in the BIC number from the receiving bank (This is on your banking papers)
5) Type of payment is SHA (shared costs)

I did pay with eurogiro basic to Estonia, Poland, Slovenia, Malta, Germany, Isle of Man, Jersey, Lithuania and more countries. Never one bank did ever charge extra costs.
But how is the situation in Denmark???
All banks in Jylland do charge (up to 100 DKK for each transaction) The only banks who did follow the European rules and did not charge were the Danske Bank in Copenhagen and the Postgiro. The Danske Bank in Jylland does charge!!!
This kind of behaviour does throw back Denmark in the Middle Ages and does make the danish banking system a system from a corrupt Third World country.
I wanted to protest against this behaviour from a Danish bank but I had to pay 150 DKK for filing a complaint. The Danish Ministry of Finance does not do anything against it nor does do the Danish government or the Leading controlling Banking Suystem. This must stop now because it is simply a kind of corruption what does not belong to a decent country.
I was a member of QXL>dk and had always to send money in a letter to the sellers. I could wait for the moment that a svindler would say: Your money did not come and than put my money in his wallet. Even when you can prove that the man is a svindler theanswer from QXL.dk is: We do not see any svindel, you are guilty because you did violate the Danish laws by sending money in a letter what is not allowed by the Danish laws.
This is the world on his head: Corrupt Danish banks do not follow European Laws and than you have to send money in a letter. When it is clear that swindlers who are active oin QXL.dk steal your money the director fromQXL.dk Jacob N Masters does let tell you by his kundeservice: That you violate the Danish laws. After that QXL.dk does remove the negative characters from the svindlers and does throw you out when you dare to publish about it


Fra : pallebhansen

Dato : 03-12-06 23:30

Tja, hvad hvem skal man tro, men bankverdenen skal jo bruge penge til alle de store stillinger.


Fra : transor

Dato : 04-12-06 00:09

De gebyrgrippe kender vi godt i forvejen. På den anden side kan jeg ikke forstå hvordan man kan forlange at banker skal gøre deres arbejde gratis. Det må jo bare gå ud over nogle andre.


Fra : BjarneD

Dato : 04-12-06 00:24

Frit land så_


Fra : Jonassen

Dato : 04-12-06 00:25

Tja, Danske banker når de er bedst.

At de malker dig for hver en krone de kan, kan kun komme bag på ikke-danskere.....


Fra : edbhans

Dato : 04-12-06 01:05

Kære venner - lad jer ikke bluffe af denne towier - det er jo kun sure opstød, han kommer med. Han har måske haft een lidt dårlig oplevelse, og så skal det blæses op til det helt store.

And my dear towier - if you write to danish people, please write in danish.

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